• When: 01/23/16
  • QIC: Pothole
  • The PAX: Any

Pre-Blast: The Cottonmouth [Final Updates]

It’s update time. The Cottonmouth is waiting to strike. Are you ready?

In just 2 days and a wake up (albeit early in the morning) you’ll be embarking on the Frozen Edition of The Cottonmouth. So we’ve got some things to cover so you’re all set.

Since I know a lot of you do NOT read these all the way through, here’s a summary of the important stuff:

  1. 0500 Start
  2. 9.8 total miles
  3. Lots of fun
  4. End around 1140


Start Time


There, it’s all nice and big so you can read it and remember it. So please start making your way into Seven Oakes Park (Strut) by then. Announcements and instructions will begin at 0530. So you’ll need to make transportation and parking arrangements before then.

Parking and Transportation

You have 3 places you can park: Seven Oakes Park, New Heights Church (located at 5501 Broad River Rd, Columbia, SC 29212), or Harbison State Forest. If you park at Harbison, there is a $5 fee. Parking is just into the park and to the left. I have reached out to New Heights Church to get their blessing and so far, things are all set. Please park in the gravel parking lot to the side of the church as they have a motorcycle event planned. Please ensure you do not leave any trash behind.

For this matter, you may want to coordinate with your peeps in staging vehicles and then getting a ride back to Seven Oakes. Or, you could ruck/run back to your car after the Endex. It’s up to you. Either way, be at Seven Oakes Park no later than 0530. If you’re late…we’ll make an example of you (Q not included).

What To Expect

You can expect it to be approximately 34 degrees with a 60% chance of “precipitation”. Take that for what it’s worth. Rain. Sleet. Snow. Or nothing at all.
You can expect to venture for approximately 9.8 miles. Yes. 9. Point. 8.
You can expect there to be no running.
You can expect physical exertion.
You can expect no water crossing, but I can’t guarantee you won’t get wet in some form or fashion. Could be rain. Could be puddles. Or could be a lot of sweat. Not mine. Yours.
You can expect to form some new friendships and meet some PAX you’ve never met or haven’t seen in a while.
You can expect some competition.

The Route

Because there are some surprises, I won’t divulge the exact details of the route. However, we will be venturing through Seven Oakes neighborhood, up Piney Grove Rd, across I-26, west on Piney Woods, across Broad River, into Harbison Forest, up the middle service road, and you can expect to get to know the Firebreak Trail. Or at least half of it. Hmmm. What could that mean? We will end at the Park Ranger/Environmental Learning center inside Harbison Forest. That’s where we’ll ENDEX.


Speaking of which…sorry, but no ENDEX party. Apparently, everyone has too many exercise shirts. There were not enough funds from shirt sales to fund a party, so you’ll have to consider the entire event one big ENDEX party. However, you’re free to stick around for some 2nd F either at the ENDEX or at a local eatery. The tentative plan is to be done by 1140 so that you can go home and defrost yourselves (temp will be about 40 deg when we ENDEX).


What To Bring

WATER. You all know this. You’ve been doing this enough to know that water is our life source. So bring some. Remember, you bring it, you carry it. So bring a ruck or your Jansport if you choose. Or you can pre-stage your water/Gatorade at either New Heights Church or at the ENDEX. Or both. Or you could find some random location along the way. You’d look pretty boss just randomly picking up some water bottle on the side of the road and downing it.

Bring whatever munchies you rely on for endurance. Sorry, but I won’t be sharing mine. Trail mix and beef jerky are always safe choices.

Event Patch

Technically there’s a patch. Unfortunately, I’ve been told “there was an issue.” So they’ll be late.

Event Shirt

In case you missed it (all but 26 of you), there was a t-shirt for sale. I’ve been asked about still being able to purchase. Yes. But after the Cottonmouth. I’ll send out a notice in the Back-Blast.


Enjoy this time. This is more about the 2nd and 3rd F’s than the 1st. This is a time to have fun and get to know someone other than the PAX you workout with 3 times a week. Reach out to the Mission folks and get to know them. So I would encourage you to mix yourselves up and trek next to a guy you barely know or haven’t seen in a while.

Technically, this is the 2015 Cottonmouth. Simply because we called so many audibles last year due to football and GoRuck, that it’s happening this year. But guess what…there WILL be a 2016 Cottonmouth. This summer. So have some fun and look forward to the next one.

And remember, CSAUP events are only CSAUP if you don’t do them!

Pothole out.

0 thoughts on “Pre-Blast: The Cottonmouth [Final Updates]”

  1. Well-written, Pothole. Really looking forward to getting out there and making a few #warstories with this group. Thanks for all you’ve done in preparation for this. See you guys Saturday.

  2. Sounds great Pothole. Looking forward to my first event. I will be parking my truck at the forest and Ken “Flo” will be picking me up from there. I’m sure we could fit another PAX or two on either leg. I will be leaving a couple gallons of water and cups at the forest to share. I was also going to grab a few dozen hot dogs/buns and can grill them up on my little tailgate grill. In exchange for the grub and water, I just ask to be carried for a few miles, that’s it.

    1. If several others could do this, that would be awesome! What’s your Twitter handle? I’ll tweet this out and see if any others are willing to do the same.

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