• When: 01/26/17
  • QIC: Pondo
  • The PAX: TinCup, Staccato, Spurrier, SilverBullet, FoxHole, BillySue, LowDot (Respect), Pondo


8 Pax posted at #TheShed for YHC’s POTUS-inspired Q and had some fun. You may have heard reports that it was dark and rainy during this work out, but that’s fake news. It was really sunny and dry and at least a million people were there.

CONDITIONS: awesome at first, then crappy.

The Thang: Disclaimer by Pondo and COP behind the school: SSH x 25 IC, IW’s x 20 IC, Squats x 20 IC, Merkins x 15 IC, BBSU’s x 20 IC, Carolina Dry Docks x 15 IC, Calf raises x 30 IC

Partner up, mosey to brick cage and each partner group grabbed 2 bricks & 1 block and return to area behind the school for some POTUS45 fun:

P-1 stayed at the border wall to perform one set of exercises, while P-2 sprints to the playground to perform a second exercise, then sprint back and flap jacks with P-1. R&R until each Partner has completed 3 rounds.

A) Building the Border Wall- P-1 sits on the wall holding block. P-2 runs and does 10 pull ups. Wait, we’re using our own money for this?

B) Inauguration Reverse Curls with bricks- P-1 does 1.5 million reverse curls. P-2 runs and does dips x 20. camera tricks and white ground covers were not allowed.

C) Tax Return Release Merkins- P-1 does AMRAP hand release merks. P-2 runs and does LBC’s x 20. All pax wonder if we’ll ever see these or if Russia and China will have undue influence.

D) Monkey Trumpers- P-1 does monkey humpers because, why not? P-2 runs and does raise the roofs w/ bricks x 20.

E) Russian Cyber Hack Twists- P-1 does Russian twists w/ bricks. P-2 runs and does 20 merkins. Others complain about influencing elections.

Put bricks and blocks up. Jail Break to parking lot for COT and BOM and Devo by Pondo.

Moleskin: YHC had some fun with our most interesting new leader. The pax indulged YHC and probably also enjoyed it.

Announcements: Support the Mission Saturdays at 8:30. Coffeeteria afterward at OGM.

Prayer Requests: Serena and family, Seal family

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