• When: 2023-11-18
  • QIC: BunkBed
  • The PAX: Quaker, Snowflake, Fallout, Phlegm, Misfire, Lobstah, Babar, Oscar

Crackpipes, Strippers and a lack of a Hot Dark Roast

AO: DawnStrike
FNGs: None
Kinda looks like a crack pipe according to @Quaker.
@Oscar made a dad joke YHC didn’t hear.
Mosey to the side parking lot. Help YHC set up the location of the weights and figure out what we’re doing.
TABATA -> 45 secs work and 15 secs rest rotating between stations
1. American Hammers
2. Tricep Curls
3. Single Leg Deadlift R Leg
4. Single Leg Deadlift L Leg
5. Goblet Squat
6. Iron Crosses
7. Curls
8. WW III Sit-up
9. Gorilla Shuffles
10. Rock Pickers
Run a lap of the parking lot, rinse and repeat 4 times with the TABATTA no lap after last round of TABATTA. John Wayne to the flag
It became apparent that certain kettlebells needed to be moved to different stations as the weight proved to be too much for some exercises. No more 60lbs Single Leg Deadlifts! (Thanks for brining the Kettlebells @Fallout)
What we learned during today’s workout. 2 Live Crew had a running platform for being Mayor of Miami promising to tax strippers, @Misfire may not be able to get out of the bleachers for his kid’s basketball game, ponder why our children are snarky @$$holes, @Oscar picks up trash on each lap, @Fallout is disappointed in the weights being moved around and is not a fan of 4 Minutes by Madonna (feat. Justin Timberlake and Timbaland), @Oscar disses Biz Markie and we find out he saw Public Enemy at the Carolina Colosseum in the 80s! Is Missy Elliot the precursor to Megan Thee Stallion? YHC tries to take a video of the workout not realizing the music would stop with a video going. @Fallout and @Lobstah give their best gorilla impressions and @Lobstah wins!
11-23-23 0530 #thunder #rouge convergence at Hand Middle School bring something for parking lot coffeeteria!
11-24-23 0530 Runvergence at #stumble
11-25-23 0600 #dawnstrike goes to #spur for the Spur Day 0700 bootcamp and 0800 coffeeteria
12-16-23 Cold Brew Half(ish) Marathon
12-17-23 F3 Columbia Christmas Party
Prayers for @Lobstah’s son, @Lobstah and kids at school. Some kids at school were being jerks to him and @Lobstah showed good listening skills in the situation. Pray for @Tommy_Boy to be healed.
@Phlegm tells one more stripper story (is he trying to tell us something, are you okay!?) and mentions his Sister-in-Law dates Matt Iseman, Starbucks never has a hot dark roast for @Lobstah, @Fallout’s dad definitely blew up that guy’s house in the Lebanese Civil War, @Babar listens to Podcasts that are longer than most people’s work weeks, you can make coffee from civet poop? Y’all seen that house with the King of the Hill characters painted on their fence off of Prentice? @Oscar teaches us a fancy horticultural term for cutting the limbs of a Crepe Myrtle.

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