• When: 10/11/2014
  • QIC: WhiteShoe
  • The PAX: Pax from Columbia, Lake Murray, Florence, Charleston, and Spartanburg

Columbia & Lake Murray GORUCK Simulation

If you want a sneak peek at what we’ll endure on November 21st, well here’s your chance…

The F3 Nation 2ndF Q, WhiteShoe, has offered to come down from Raleigh and put us through the paces. According to WS, the point of the GORUCK simulation is to mentally prepare you for the GRC, rather than physically prepare you for it.

At 6am, Saturday, October 11th, we’ll hold a 3 hour GORUCK Sim in Columbia. The rally point is the SC Statehouse. Bring a loaded ruck and as the GORUCK guys say, “bring a friend, it’s less scary that way”.

The event is open to anyone, even if you’re not signed up for our GORUCK Challenge, but you will need a weighted pack to play along.

Please indicate your HC in the comments below. We need to make sure we have enough interest in this event to warrant a bunch of guys driving 8 hours round trip to play cadre.

FYI: We did our best to schedule around the chaotic nature of the fall in the South; That Saturday is a by weekend for the Gamecocks, a home game for Clemson, and a week after the Mud Run. The event is just another opportunity to get better, come if you can. If you can’t no sweat. We’ll see you November 21st!

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