• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

@Rhonda, We made it to 400.

AO: Battle
Q: Spot
PAX: CESS, Big Worm, Hawg, Spot, Staccatto
FNGs: None
4 count SSH x 20
4 count squats x 20
20 merkins

The Thang

Mosey to field and line up on goal line.

Fast Mosey 25 yards
10 merkins
Rinse and repeat down field (40 total merkins)
4 count freedom twists x 20

Rinse and repeat (total of 40 merkins).

[first 100 merkins down]

Mosey across field to sled.

One Pax pushes the sled 25 yards and back while other four PAX give 25 merkins.
Next PAX pushes the sled while other PAX give 25 Spot LBCs.

Rinse and repeat until all PAX have pushed the sled twice (second time to the 40 yard line and back). After two rotations with alternating merkins/ Spot LBCs, all PAX complete 100 merkins and 100 LBCs.

[second 100 merkins down]

Cess somehow did 25 extra merkins so we all followed suit.

Mosey up the hill behind the school.
Stop at the dumpster and give 25 merkins.
Mosey to the back corner of the parking lot.
Stop and give 25 merkins.
Mosey to the Battle Loop.
Give 25 merkins and grab a block.

[third set of 100 merkins down]

20 curls for the girls with block
20 shoulder press with block
20 goblet squats with block
20 merkins
20 freedom twists

Repeat twice more.

Take three tires to the sand pit.

First three PAX flip the tire across the sand pit while the other 2 PAX give 20 merkins
Switch up.

Wrap one end of a strap around tire and and the other over the shoulder. Bear crawl, dragging the tire across the sand pit.

Alternate so everyone get Ms some of the pie while other PAX give 20 more merkins.

[fourth set of 100 merkins done]

Finish with Each PAX pushing the tire across the sand pit. There was much suffering.

Mosey back to the flag.


No time for Mary.


Many announcements. July Crazy Train; F3 Columbia Anniversary; Mission AO at 0830 hrs.


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