• When: 08/11/15
  • QIC: Dusty
  • The PAX: Dusty, Heartbreaker, Hustler, Two Buck, Roscoe, Logo, Cheesy, Robber, Halftime, Ripple, Fang, Flea, Spanky, Woody

14 Pax take a tour of the Mothership with bricks in hand

I forgot how much harder a workout is when you are holding bricks the entire time. Great job by everyone pushing through it this morning.

Conditions – 75ish. Nice

COP – Pax swing by the brickpile, grab two bricks, and head to the practice field.

SSH – 25 IC
Arm Flutters – 25 IC
MC – 25 IC
Squats – 30 IC
Merkins – 20 IC
LBC – 20 IC

Pax partner up and mosey to the goal line.

Partner 1 – run to other end of field for 10 Burpees (with bricks)
Partner 2 – Big Boy Sit Ups until partner 1 returns
Flip Flop

Partner 1 – run to other end of field for 25 Wide Arm Merk.
Partner 2 – Flutter kicks holding bricks out until partner 1 returns.
Flip Flop

Partner 1 – run to other end for 25 Merkins.
Partner 2 – Freddie Mercury’s until Partner 1 returns.
Flip Flop

Mosey over to the wall for peoples chair

1 Min – 30 secs holding bricks out.
Crab Walk with bricks halfway across the field and sprint back.
1 Min – 30 secs holding bricks out.

Head over to Hollywood Squares.

Step Ups with bricks – 20 each leg
Dips – 20 IC
Incline Merkins – 20 IC
Big Boy Situps – 20
Step Ups with bricks – 10 each leg

Jog around the front of school back to the Brickpile.

Logo’s Ladder with bricks – 10 Merks/1 press up to 1 Merk/10 presses.
Flutter Kicks holding bricks out – 30 IC.

BOM – Closed out by Dusty.

Moleskin: Good job by everyone today. Those little bricks start to get heavy after about 15 mnins.

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