• When: 2017-08-03
  • QIC: Cowbell
  • The PAX: 27 strong

More Cowbell!

Thanks to all 27 men who showed up this morning to get better. My apologies for not listing all the pax in attendance. I had a phone malfunction. My bluetooth was connected to my car when I recorded everyone’s names and the microphone in my car picked up nothing. A lot of the usual’s were there. You know who you are.

Weather was humid in the 70’s.

We started with a mosey to the back field.

20 ssh in cadence

20 little baby arm circles

20 thru the tunel’s
Block pile. Partner up
Partner Wheel barrow
Fireman carry
First partner runs the width of the field while the other partner does the following: Partners switch when they get to the blocks
Block swings
Overhead press
Curls for the girls
Block murkins
Wheel. Barrow
Fireman carry
Flutter kicks w overhead block
Block murkins