• When: 2017-11-28
  • QIC: Voltron
  • The PAX: : Rebar, Nature Boy, Netflix, Short Haul, Bulldog, Digger, House(R), Hopper(R), Spackle(R)

Frost on the Graveyard

Weather: 32 degrees, frosty

This was YHC’s 2nd guest Q at Graveyard and the first in quite a while. Good group of men out there this morning in the cold weather. Good to have Spackle back working out with the group!

The Thang:

Intro, Disclaimer, Prayer and Lord’s Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey around the circle in the parking lot to warm up. High knees, regular, butt kicks, regular.

Mosey inside the gate for COP.


Since Today is November 28, 2017, the exercise rep pattern is 11-28-17.

Merkins X 11 IC



Merkins X 11 on my count

Little Baby Arm Circles – 17F IC

Overhead Claps X 28 IC

Little Baby Arm circles – 17R IC

Merkins X 11 on my count

Imperial Walkers X 28 IC

Squats X 17 on my count


Mosey down to football field and find a spot on the wall. People’s chair while each pax does 5 squats in turn.

Line up on the goal line. (Gamecock fans who didn’t know where that was followed Tiger fans)

Suicides to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 yard lines – stay at the 50 yard line.

Bear crawl back to the goal line.

Hand-Release Merkins X 11 On your own

Calf Raises X 28 OYO


Lunge to 40 yard line.

11 Burpees on your own.

28 LBC’s OYO

17 Squats OYO

Bear crawl to goal line

Hand-Release Merkins X 11

Calf Raises X 28


Take a lap around the football field and return to the goal line.

Lunge to 30 yard line – rinse and repeat all the way down to 10 yard line

Take a cool down lap around the football field.

Mosey back to shovel flag.

Flutter kicks X 38 IC for Cheech.




– 12/3/15 – Christmas Parade – https://www.f3midlands.com/columbia-sc/snowball-pre-blast

-12/15 F3/FiA Christmas Party. Details: https://www.f3midlands.com/lexington-sc/preblast-4th-annual-f3fia-christmas-party

-1/6 Harbison 50K

-1/27 GrowRuck Weekend


Prayer Requests

Blindside’s daughter

Bulldog’s wife’s grandfather

Other unspoken requests



Joshua 1: 1-7 “Be strong and courageous”

There are many times in life when we face difficulties that seem overwhelming. Sometimes we don’t know what we should do next. In this passage Joshua is taking over as leader of the Israelites after Moses died in the wilderness. What a challenge! God is talking to Joshua, and multiple times He says, “Be strong and courageous.” So, when we are facing challenges and difficulties, remember what God told Joshua and remember that God can handle our problems, no matter how difficult we perceive them to be.