• When: 2021-01-12
  • The PAX: LEGO, Coon Dog, Cheers, Soaker, Knowzit (R)

Celebrating 45 Trips Around The Sun

YHC wanted to do a really tough workout for his 45th trip around the sun. However, had to change the gameplan at 8:00 last night as I read the weather report. Decided to keep the pax under the shelter, and as expected Coon Dog immediately complained that there would not be any running. But to his credit, he did figure out 30 minutes why the rep count was set up the way it was. YHC studied pretty hard to get COP correct. I was really hoping to have Ken Doll to witness the COP; no telling how long it will be before I get it right again. Cheers took it upon himself to keep track of SSH reps and then lost count. Instead of 45 it was 54ish. Knowzit, being the fast learner that he is, had a tendency to jump ahead so he could have more rest time. Don’t Blame him. Soaker, was worried the workout would be a sad disappointment until we got to the burpees. Immediately brightened his day. We aslo took time to console Coon Dog on the end of Deer Season with no results to show for the effort. There is always next year, Big guy.


Disclaimer and Prayer, and mosey to shelter.

The first exercise is SSH, Starting Position move, In Cadence, Exercise….54ish. (NAILED IT)


11 Merkins

11 Box Jumps

11 Merkins

11 Box Jumps

11 Merkins

11 Box Jumps

12 Merkins

12 Box Jumps

Total of 45 for each exercise. Follow same pattern for each round with different exercises.


Decline Merkins and Lunges

Hand Release Merkins and Squats

Carolina Dry Docks (Coon Dog Merkins) and Jumbo Flutter Kicks without the Blocks


Incline Merkins and Step-Ups

Burpees and 45 sec of People’s Chair

Finish up with Some Mary.

45 reps of LBC, Pickle Pushers, Hello Dolly, Iron Crosses.


Thank you for great success with SAFE RUN

Feb 20 Dam2Dam

March 19 P200



No Show


As many of you know, my Dad has just had Hip Surgery and is recovering amazingly well. During this time however, Mom who has Dementia, has taken a dramatic turn for the worse. In just two weeks she has gotten to point where she can not walk on her own. The kids are trying to fulfill wishes and keep her at home. But we are also dealing with the reality that it may not be possible. God during this time, my family and I need patience and clarity to make the correct decisions. The prayers that I have felt from Shawshank and F3 Lexington Pax is felt and is needed. I cut the devo short because, I started to tear up and I did not know what to say other than, Thank you. Your friendship is a God given Blessing that I could never repay. I just hope all of you knuckleheads know how much you mean to me.

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