• When: 2020-04-18
  • QIC: Canseco
  • The PAX: Double Fault (RESPECT...TODAY), Altar Boy, Yellow Cake, Booster, Little Giants, Quisenberry, (Shank 'N Bake, Voltron, Hopper and Spackle made a surprise drop in while running), Canseco

Canseco’s first Digital Zoom VQ

Saturday Virtual Zoom WO – Digital VQ

Prayer – Disclaimer (I am not a professional)

This workout was performed in YHC’s Lexington home in the garage.  Minor technical difficulties getting started, but were resolved in minutes.  The fun started right away.  A sturdy chair with arm rests was needed, a weighted coupon and a kettlebell was requested to do this WO.


  1. SSH x 10
  2. TTT x 10
  3. LBAC x 10 each direction
  4. The windmill x 10
  5. Imperial Walkers x 10
  6. Mt Climbers x 10
  7. Running in place x 1 minute

The Thang

Squats with Coupon x 10

Kettlebell overhead press x 10

Dips using Chair with armrests x 10

Rinse and repeat x 2

Bicycle crunches in chair x 1 minute

Lunges with coupon x 20 (10 each leg)

Kettlebell tricep press x 10

Donkey kicks while seated in chair keeping feet off the ground x 10

Rinse and Repeat x 2

Cross plank with feet in chair x 1 minute

Incline merkin with chair x 10

Decline merkin with chair x 10

Step ups using chair x 20 (10 each leg)

Rinse and repeat x 2

Seated upright plank using arm rests of chair x 30 seconds

Seated bicycle crunch alternating elbow to opposite knee x 10- each leg

Side plank (with feet in chair and left forearm on ground rotate upper body to move right arm from underneath to pointed directly upward pointing to the ceiling) each side x 10 reps

Crunch alternating sides of chair x 10 reps

High and low plank with feet in chair alternating x 1 minute

Kettle bell swing x 10 reps

Squats with coupon x 10 reps

Ab thrasher using chair (alternating feet to touch seat while bringing knees high with reciprocating arm movement) x 20

MARY – Flutter Kicks  x 50 to honor Double Fault  for his B-Day of RESPECT “50 Today”

Prayer requests:

Double Fault’s mother – struggling with quarantine isolation restrictions

All those having health, financial or emotionally distressed at this time


Devo:  YHC reflected on the difficulties that this pandemic has inflicted on today’s world and how sometimes it is hard to make sense of all that is going on.  Silver lining in this whole mess is that from my perspective, we have had more family time together this past month than we have had in a long time as we had allowed our lives to become busy and schedule-filled.  It is always a blessing to take time in life or have life force you to slow and stop in our busy ways.  Despite all of our societal distancing restrictions, we are still blessed.  God continues to provide.  It is important as men that we stay positive, optimistic and lead out family through times and days where it is challenging and trying.  Leaders Lead…and always lead by example.

Happy Birthday to my boy Double Fault, who told me earlier this week all he really wanted for his birthday was, “To be able to play Ultimate Frisbee with his F3 brothers this weekend.”  Unfortunately, that birthday wish could not come true today but will one day soon come to be.  Thanks for the impact you make in our community Double Fault….you have always had my respect.


1 thought on “Canseco’s first Digital Zoom VQ”

  1. Aye! Thanks, Canseco. Have always cherished you friendship pre-F3 and beyond. Appreciate you helping me get a jumpstart on a great day.
    Getting older is a privilege, brother.

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