• When: 2023-10-05
  • The PAX: Shades of Grey, Hash N Rice, Shortage, Love Shack, Doo Dah (R), Coon Dog, Lego


Today was YHC’s third time back at F3 since the knee surgery and first chance to Q.  Still cannot run or do a lot of lower body.  No problem, we can just concentrate on upper body the whole time.  There was mild regret at the idea that my idea was similar to Soaker’s Q on Tuesday but, I figured this would be a good way to work out the soreness.  I also knew this would get a ringing endorsement from Shades of Grey (he has a burpee fetish), and Coon Dog would complain (pretty standard).  Doo Dah did not like the slow post surgery speed of the Q, so he did the harder thing and ran ahead a light pole, then come back, for the exercise.  All in all, YHC considered today a tremendous hit, other opinions may vary (but are probably wrong).  Anyway here goes.


Prayer and Disclaimer (No running)

Walk to large soccer field and circle up near first light pole.  
Michael Phelps and Thru the tunnel.  Calling out the exercise was a rare success, but didn’t really count because Ken Doll was not there to see it.

Start at first light Pole to perform 1 Mucho Macho and 2 Burpees.  Mucho Macho is 1 each – standard merkin, left hand out front merkin, right hand out front merkin, wide merkin, and diamond merkin.

Start going around large soccer field to rinse and repeat at each light pole.  After second pole, YHC realized 2 burpees was not enough so we graduated to 1 Mucho Macho and 4 burpees.

As we got to the second corner, YHC began to have doubts about finishing.  Refusing to listen to the insane advice of Pax (who shall not be named), who suggested a completely different exercise, elected to drop the Mucho Macho and just do 4 burpees.

At third corner, we switched.  Dropped the burpees and did 2 Mucho Machos until we got back to beginning.  However, we still have a solid 13 minutes left.  So we hang a left to circle around the other soccer field, where 2 burpees were performed at each light pole.  

I do not know how many total burpees were performed, but I do know SOG was very pleased.  We also did not work hard enough to keep Coon Dog from complaining (Constructive Commentary).  As far as everyone else goes, Shawshank has some legit studs – my humble opinion. 


Scandinavian Relay Race – January

Lexington SAFE run – Nov 6-12

Beech House this Saturday for BC

Xmas Party Dec 2

Garth is playing at the Fair Oct 12

Shawshank Poker Night Octo 13

Recruiting people for 2 D2D teams


Cayce Jones – Quadruple bypass

Stanley Myers

Cheers and Ashley


Importance of Prayer – People have tendency to use pray as a wish list, myself included.  But, it should be viewed as a practice.  You practice at being grateful.  And unless you are totally blind to the world around you, you have a lot be grateful for regardless of your situation.  Prayer teaches you to be grateful, and by doing so, it helps to stave off resentment.  Resentment is a dangerous drug, and your only defense against it is gratefulness.


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