• When: 4/15/17
  • QIC: Studebaker
  • The PAX: Hefty (Lake Norman), Timber (Camden, SC), Mayhem "Respect" (Camden, SC), Trapper Keeper "2.0" (Denver, NC), JV "2.0", Varsity, Bubbles, Light Bright (Greenwood), Billboard, Bling, Frazier (Aiken), FNG Goose Poop (Jake Lowery)

Eggcellent Easter Workout

Conditions: 60’s and ClearYHC still felt bad about missing his last Q due to Delta and the Weather (Thanks again to Lombardi for an Awesome Backup!).  So I wanted to make sure and bring something different to this workout.  I took a trip on Friday afternoon to Warthog to get some inspiration.  As I walked around it dawned on me, IT’s EASTER…. WE NEED EASTER EGGS!  Plus I had a HC from an FNG I went to High School with so it needed to be special.COP: SSH x 20 IC
Imp Walker x 20 IC
Arm Circle x 20 IC
Spiderman x 20 IC
Runner Crunches x 20 IC (New crowd pleaser, but Bling wants a new name.  TBD)
Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
Slow Squats x 20 ICThe Thang:  Thanks to a gracious M and 2.0 it was time to introduce our Easter Eggs themed in F3 and Faces Toss and Burp:  Partner work: toss your egg to your partner, 1 burpee, and then take a step back; partner repeats.  We made it through about 5 rounds and distance of about 20 yards with 4 broken eggs.Bunny Hop The BridgeEgg Spoon Dora: 50 Turkish Getups
100 Merkins
150 Jump Squats
200 Plank Jacks
Partner has to Lunge Walk while balancing egg on a spoon 50 yards and back.Uphill Egg Roll: Indian run to parking garage and bear crawl up while rolling your egg.  (This broke most of the remaining eggs)
Once at the top it was time to buy down our final exercises.  Each non- leaking egg took 5 group situps off of our 100 owed.  Total owed at the end was 65 group interlocking arm situps.  Half were completed on parking garage and half back at field.Mosey to field for final situps and visiting pax maryCOT Invitation from Camden and Aiken Pax to post if ever in town
Prayers for young man working for Bubbles who is battling some serious addiction battlesLuke 24: 1-6   This weekend is the weekend that makes it all makes sense for us.  We celebrate the fact that Jesus overcame death so that we can have life.Moleskin: F3 is more than a workout group.  13 men from across NC and SC came together on Easter weekend in Myrtle Beach to make ourselves better, share some laughs, and welcome an FNG into our fold.  It is amazing that something so simple as an hour long workout can have the impact that it does on so many men.  I am forever grateful to be a part of this group.

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