• When: 2017-08-01
  • QIC: Skunky
  • The PAX: Noodle, Whopper, Knot, Slate, Smithers, A1A, Lap Dog, Skunky

So late, I’m sure nobody will notice

Struggled to get computer time past week and a half.  More importantly, did everyone Notice MIB hasn’t been here?  (decoy flares deployed)

Weather: South Carolina

The Thang:

Not much of a warm up, cause it was warm out and we’d get our chance.

Go grab a block, not just any block, but one that is special to you.  Carry it around all morning as we visit the doors.  Door #:

1-A minute of Al Gore
2-20 dips
3-30 lateral Spider-Man walks
4-40 squats
5-50 dirty girls
6-60 OH arm claps
7-70 mountain climbers
8-40 forward + 40 backward = 80 little arm circles
9-90 lunges total
10-10 burpees
11-11 incline merkins
12-12 OH presses with block
13-upper half curls
14-bottom half curls
15-full curls
16-block press (laying on back)
17-flutter kicks while holding block over yo face!
18-carolina dry docks
And we ran out of time, just in time.