Good Day and Happy New Year!!
It’s hard to believe that 2019 (and the 2010’s) are already behind us. In addition to setting goals for the new year, the end of the year is a great time to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments. To that end, below is a summary of our F3LM150 challenge results!
Before I dig into the numbers, tables, and graphs you are all so excited to get your hands on….
….I would like to say THANK YOU to those who participated in 2019! Hopefully you found it worthwhile to not only track your posts, but to share those with others for encouragement, accountability, and a little competition.
We had a total of 26 PAX participate representing 5 different AOs in F3LM150 since we revived it in September:
Well done men!
F3LM150 – 150+ Post Challenge
We had 10 different PAX who diligently submitted numbers each week for the year long 150 post challenge. By the end of the year, we had five PAX who crossed the 150 mark (Socrates, Slate, Neck Brace, Smithers, and YHC), with Slate and Neck Brace busting 200 (and Smithers knocking on the door), and Socrates over 250 posts! The rest of our PAX all broke 100+ posts as well.
Table 1: Smell the Testosterone
Figure 1: Testosterone in Graphical Form
Excellent consistency throughout the year to put up some impressive numbers also recognizing that these are just F3 workouts and some PAX often do things outside of F3. At year end, this group combined for over 1600 posts!! Well done guys! #DRP #ISI
F3LM150 – Back to School 50 post challenge
The Back to School 50 post challenge started up on 9/1/19 with the goal of seeing who would cross the 50 post finish line first. As you’ll see below, we had a number of PAX hit the 50 mark and then some! All 26 PAX participated in this 4 month long event.
From an AO standpoint, Depot and the combined Strut/Foxhole/Twilight (aka SFT) fielded the most pax (10 each respectively) helping them rack up the #1 and #2 most posts as a group. GOAT; however, led by a superhuman effort by Lap Dog, crushed the average posts per PAX number followed by Depot and Strut respectively.
By the end of the year, we had 12 PAX who crossed the 50 Post finish line to complete the Back to School challenge. STH cut the ribbon and was soon followed after (the next week) by Socrates, Lap Dog, and YHC. Throughout the balance of the challenge, Slate, Neck Brace, Moose, Milkman, Enos, Fiji, Smithers, and Devito would cross the finish line.
While the primary metric for completing the Back to School challenge was to get 50 posts, a number of PAX exceeded this goal and our total posts were 1,200+:
And the graph of how we got there for you big nerds:
TClaps to the leaders from each AO!
- Strut/Foxhole/Twilight
- Socrates, Enos, Fiji
- Lap Dog, Slate, and Neck Brace
- Depot
- STH, Moose, YHC
F3LM150 – Moleskin
Again, well done to those who participated in both challenges in 2019! This is just one of the tools we can use to help sharpen some iron and there was definitely a lot of #ISI this year.
For those who landed where you want, keep it up and make 2020 your byotch! If you didn’t end up where you’d hoped, it’s a new year and a new chance to take another bite at the apple, so to speak. The best advice I can offer is post…just post. If not for yourself, for that other guy that needs you there and might not be there without you (you know who he is).
I’m looking forward to seeing what this group can accomplish in 2020! Let’s start the year off strong and continue to work toward our collective goals. If you haven’t already, drop your HC for 2020 and list your goal. Also, for those runners/ruckers out there, if you want to track and share your mileage we can do that as well. Also, continue to spread the word and lets get some more folks in on this!