• When: 07/11/15
  • QIC: Fountainhead
  • The PAX: SlowPitch, Reefer, HotTub, Valdez, Tweetsie, CheeseSteak, Backhand, Floater & F'head

The 300 Sawmill Tour

9 at F3Columbia’s newest AO, Sawmill, were introduced to the much loved 300 workout but a newer, more mobile version of the well loved beatdown.  With an hour worth of pain to inflict, YHC, packaged the usual sets within a roundabout tour of the Blythewood area.  Add sprinkles and you’ve got a solid showing from the #Faithful.

Conditions:  Clear and not yet miserably hot.


Mosey around the tennis courts while a couple late comers peeled into the parking lot and trotted over to join the group.
SSH X 30 4CT, IC
Imperial Walkers X 20 4CT, IC

Mosey through the woods to the Blythewood Park playground and plank up awaiting the group.
Slow Down/Up Merkins X 4 (Note That)
Pullups X 10 OYO
Dips X 10 4CT, IC

300 workout explanation which entails the following set of exercises which were repeated again, and again… and again around town:
Merkins X 25 OYO
LBC’s X 20 OYO
Burpees X 12 OYO
Flutter Kicks X 20 OYO
Following the explanation, the first of eight sets was performed before the pax moved on.

Mosey through the fence to the Trinity UMC youth building for round 2.

Mosey down McNulty and cross Wilson Blvd to a stop along the railroad tracks for round 3

Cross the tracks and cruise over to the Doko Playground for round 4 (halfway!)
As pullup apparatus are rare (except in Blythewood apparently) the pax paused and did another:
Pullups X 10 OYO

Mosey around the Doko pond to stop or round number 5 of the 300 set.

Mosey toward McLean road and stop for set number 6… but, rather than launching straight into the 300 set, YHC called:
Squats X 10 4CT, IC
Lunges X 10 4CT, IC
And then we did set number 6.

Mosey to the train tracks for some rail planking.  Nod to the passing drivers wondering what in the world we were doing planked up on the train tracks.

Mosey up McLean crossing Wilson Blvd again and stop at Blythewood Academy for set number 7.  The Burpees long ago turned into flying squirrels and so there was some chatter as to the squirelish posture of most pax.

Mosey up Oakhurst back to the Blythewood Park field near where the tour began for final set number 8 of the 300 workout.  At this point, the pax were congratulated on having completed the 300 pushups from which the workout takes its name (eight sets of 25 Merkins, eight sets of 12 Burpees plus those initial 4 slow Merkins at the very beginning of the morning).  Unfortunately for the pax, however, ten minutes remained on the clock which wouldn’t go to waste.

Mosey up to the rec building for:
Peoples Chair X 60 Seconds
Big Boy Situps X 20 OYO
Rinse and repeat Peoples Chair and the Big Boys twice more (three sets total)
Decline Plank series (plank with hands on the ground and feet pressed hard against the brick wall about 30″ above the ground.  Each set was about 20 seconds up with five to ten seconds of rest between.  After 300 Merkins, arms were wrecked).
And to kill the clock, AMRAP Russian Twists for 60 seconds.

Over and done.  COT & BOM.  Strong work, gents.


  • Stretch is offering up a form clinic/demonstration on July 25th, 8:15 to 9:00-ish.  Come meet some other guys and get tuned up on the right way to do the stuff we do.  The Preblast is here: http://f3nation.com/2015/07/07/the-silent-f-a-pre-blast/
  • Check out the other opportunities to workout with the NE guys.  Run groups abound and could come to Blythewood if there’s an interest by enough guys.


  • It’s great seeing the Blythewood pax pushing through a challenging Q.  I’m not sure if the 300 has ever been introduced to an AO quite this early.  Impressive work done by all, especially the newest guys still getting their feet wet.  Ibuprofen is your friend.
  • Hydrate.  I spent all day trying to get my body right again.  In this heat and humidity it’s hard to keep up with the rate at which your body needs moisture if you’re working out more than a couple days a week.  Be intentional and get used to drinking more water regularly.  Extra hydration will make you feel better, flush out some of the toxins (lactic acid) built up in sore muscles and generally keep you alive.  it’s important.
  • A pleasure to be with you again.  Keep up all the great things you’re doing!  Think about when you want to start Q’ing yourself.  It’s both a privileged of this group and a responsibility.  Taking charge of a workout is one way you can develop the leadership skills embedded in F3.



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