• When: 9/3/2015
  • QIC: Dry Heave
  • The PAX: Big Time, Pele, FOG, OBC, Re-Tread, Dry Heave, Dean Wormer, Nails, Checker, Snap On, Fuzzy Boss, (missing one?)

SCORE Report– 9/3/2015

12 Pax posted at Score this morning. Without further adieu, here is what we did (YHC is utilizing Stretch’s standard backblast disclaimer that some exercises may have been left out):

The Thang:

IW x 20 IC
LBAC x 20 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Merkins x 15 IC
LBC x 20 IC
Flutter Kicks x 35 IC
Plank Sequence

Grab two bricks and a block:

Merkin/Raise the Roof sequence (YHC lost count somewhere along the way of how many we did. Crowd Pleaser, though, for sure)

The 50:
Round 1: With partner, P1 does 10 merkins, while P2 holds plank. Alternate with 10 each until each pax does 50 merkins total

Round 2: With partner, P1 does 10 squats, while P2 holds in an “Al Gore” (tree hugging air chair). Alternate with 10 each until each pax does 50 squats total

Round 3: With partner, P1 does 10 flutter kicks, while P2 holds legs at six inches. Alternate with 10 each until each pax does 50 flutter kicks total.

Squats x 20 IC
Goblet Squats x 20 IC
Bulgarian Squats x 20 IC

Napalms x 15 OYO
Curls for the Girls x 20 OYO

Slow Mo Squats x 20 IC
Goblet Squats x 20 IC
Prisoner Squats x 20 IC

Little Leg Circles x 12 each leg
Single Leg Butt Kicks x 12 each leg (Thanks to Windmill for introducing this to SCORE pax on Tuesday).

Slow Mo Squats x 20 IC
Goblet Squats x 20 IC
Jungle Boi Squats x 20 IC

Russian Twists x 20 IC
Big Boy Sit ups x 20 OYO
Merkins x 15 OYO
Hello Dolly x 20 IC
Flutter Kicks x 20 IC


Please continue to maintain thoughts and prayers for Walker Phillips, son of NailPop.

The Midlands is lagging behind in Fall Mud Run sign-ups. Get on it and sign up today!

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