Conditions: Moist but extremely warm for season
Q arrives 2 minutes late: penalty burpees later. As always, this is extremely approximate.
Tha Thang: 4 pax arrived after a very late night of college football (Geaux Tigers!!!) and little rest, so they could test themselves against…Machines!!!
(Ok, so actually, this was a theme workout with only like 2 things on theme. Although I did sneak in a variety of “M” exercises from the Exicon)
Get bricks, mosey to COP
SSH, LBACs with bricks, LBCs, goblets squats, Windmill, TTT, Silent 21 (failed due to Banjo flapping his wings, with penalty burpees). Mosey to Corner.
Real Manmakers- On bricks. Merkin, Reverse Fly, Plankjack, ShoulderTap sequence, rinse and repeat a bunch.
Mickey Mouse Merkins, Ie Murpees. Wide, Diamond, Wide (WDW, get it?) and a jump, x10.
Brick delt raise triangle in cadence.
Grab a log with your partner. Whine about safety or something like that. Drop it repeatedly. Improvise.
Return blocks
Now, the first Man vs Machine test. Pax on foot vs Q on bike to the corner. Man wins, biker does burpees.
Boxcutters. plankwork with leg lifts.
Race #2. Even with a 5s headstart and bike on ground, Machine wins. Man does burpees.
Get a tractor tire.
Slide said tractor tire on its side with partner, switching off #crowdpleaser. Didn’t I read something somewhere about fuel efficiency low rolling resistance in tire manufacturing? Yeah, not tractor sidewalls.
Lift said tire. OHP, bicep curls, squat thrusters #grumblechatter
Push tire a little more. Return to Crabbies yard.
Lungewalk towards tennis courts.
Man vs Animal suicides- Your choice, running or Arkloader style. Made mandatory halfway through.
Balls to wall, walk it up, then like plankwork, right arm up, left arm up #stupid
Indian Run.
Man vs Machine #3. Man wins, Machine does burpees.
Turkish Getups, each arm x5, then no arms x 3 (ouch)
Bulgarian Split Squats
Prayers for Banjos friend that passed’ family, and for fathering well.
Devo: What load are you carrying that God did not give you? “Let us lay aside every weight..and let us run with endurance the race laid out before us” Heb 12:1