• When: 2018-11-08
  • QIC: Ducky
  • The PAX: ChopShop, Pinkman, Misfire, Flo, Zima, Cabana Boy, Gaston, BooBoo, Ducky

A Taste of the ACFT

Conditions: 60s and Moist

Last time the PAX did the PT test at Hammer, YHC was doing a little reading on the test and so forth. Apparently, the PT test is being replaced by the new Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT). YHC took it upon himself to investigate further. This started the gears turning, and YHC formulated a plan to give the Hammer PAX a taste of the new test so they could form their own opinions. The new test is designed to reduce injuries and better prepare soldiers for the challenges they will face in combat, at the expense of simplicity. For those PAX interested, take a look at this video primer (possibly filmed at Ft. Jackson by the looks of it) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnVTW1Lh7zk
Of course, lacking all the “proper” equipment for this test, YHC improvised as noted…

The Thang


Each PAX grabbed a block and headed to the softball field. There they found cones placed 25m apart.

Event 1 – Max Deadlift
Lacking a bar and plates for deadlifts, the PAX instead did 10 reps X 2 of deadlifting a block in each hand. Mimics carrying equipment, gurneys…

Event 2 – Standing Overhead Throw
Using a brick, each PAX took turns hurling it as far back as possible. This is supposed to mimic boosting comrades over walls, hurdling ditches…

Event 3 – hand-release merkins
2 minutes of max merkins. Simulates taking cover, jumping up to provide cover…

Event 4 – Sprint, Drag, Carry
This was the first real challenge for the PAX. Starting prone, sprint 50m (back and forth 25m), drag their partner 50m, Frank Martin side shuffle 50m, farmer carry blocks 50m, sprint 50m. Mimics sprinting for cover, recovering casualties, carrying gear, etc.

Event 5 – Leg tuck
2 minutes of max leg tuck pullups (these sucked bad).

Event 6 – 2 mile-ish run

Head to put away blocks, mary as time expires.

Ironically, contrary to the military and F3 mottos of “No man left behind!”, YHC proceeded to do just that as he lost track of Cabana Boy during the run portion. Panic ensued. Fortunately, BooBoo didn’t hesitate to jump into action and go searching for our missing PAX, who was soon located safe and sound. BooBoo got in an extra mile on his bike during the fiasco, so not all negative I suppose. Seriously though, as Q, don’t be like me, keep track of your PAX!

COT and BOM by YHC.


Mac and cheese still being accepted for the Mission.
Humpday Happy Hour at Hickory Tavern.