Conditions: 30* and Clear
Intro, Disclaimer and Prayer
20 SSH
15 TTT with behind the back claps
10 Merkins
20 LBC’s
The Thang:
It was a fresh round of cold weather that sprung up on us this morning with temps hovering around 30 degrees. The fartsack must have been especially warm and toasty this morning.
After the warm up we started the excercises with a Burp & Merk ladder. Begin a traditional burpee with a single push up at the bottom, then complete. Drop back down for a second burpee with two push ups, then complete and so on. We laddered up to 10 Merkins
This morning I had the idea of completing the Evolution of Man with the intent of including the next evolution, ie the tire. Namely, a bunch of tire flips. However, in my excitement of getting started we began with the tire flip. Given that, we worked backwards…de-evolving as it were.
Since there were three of us and we grabbed a particularly heavy tire we broke it up as follows.
Round One: 1 PAX ran to the 25yd line and planked while the remaining two flipped the tire to him. Once there we switched up with one PAX running to the 50yd line and planking while the remaining two flipped the tire to him. We continued swapping PAX until we made it back the goal line.
Round Two: A bit simpler as we ran 50yd down and backs
Round Three: Bear Crawls to the 50yd line and back
Round Four: Low Crawls to the 50yd line and back
After our de-evolution, YHC decided it would be a good idea to ladder back down from 10 Burp & Merks.
We then made our way up to the planter and worked on dips.
We started with a set of 20 working our way through 5 sets adding 5 reps each set for a total of 150 dips.
– Palmetto 200
– True to Brew
– Lexington Brew Ruck