• When: 2019-12-05
  • QIC: Cheers
  • The PAX: Soaker, Lego, Knowzit (R), Nick, Dunphy (R), Buzzsaw (R), Coon Dog, Cheers

Just a fun run around Shawshank

It was another great day at Shawshank. As always, these men make me better in so many ways. YHC was proud of Lego for keeping pace with Coon Dog and Buzzsaw during Stride Lite, nice work to all three of them. YHC also would like to thank Soaker for staying back with him. We had some fun, had some good mummblechatter as always, and we got better.

YHC is still struggling with the death of his buddy. Thanks for all of your support and for just being there.

Here’s how it went today:

Conditions: Mid-40’s; overcast


TTT x 10 IC
LBAC x 10 each way IC
Windmill x 10 IC

The Thang:

Mosey to sideline of main field:
* 20 squats then lunge to middle of field (use goal post as a marker)
* 20 squats then run backward to opposite side line

Rinse and repeat to opposite side

Mosey to lower field and line up on far sideline:
* Merkins x 20
* Sprint to top of hill
* Merkins x 20
* Sprint to far treeline
* Recover walk to sidewalk; butt kicks and high knees thrown in.

Mosey to upper field against the fence:
* Line up on goal line and do Carolina Dry Docks x 20
* Lunge to center of field, use goals as marker
* Carolina Dry Docks x 20
* Backwards lunge to sidewalk

Mosey to pull up shelter:
* Pull ups x 5
* 3 Burpees in each corner of volleyball court (x 12)

Mosey to Shank Hill:
Line up on bottom edge
* 20 BBSU at bottom
* Bear crawl to top
* 20 LBCs
* Crawl bear to bottom
* Rinse and repeat x 1

Mosey to shelter:
Incline merkins, decline merkins, Dooda’s (dips) x 25 each

Peoples chair x 1 minute; rinse and repeat x 1

Flutter kicks x 20 IC
American Hammer x 20 IC
6 inches x 1 minute


* We are still collecting money for our family. More to come on when we will go shopping for them. In the meantime, you can send funds to Coon Dog, [email protected], on PayPal.
* Also collecting money for pillowcases for the Vets’ Home next to Shank. Send funds to YHC: [email protected] on PayPal.
* Trying to nail down a time for the Salvation Army bell ringing, more on that later.
* 12/14: Christmas party
* January something is the Harbison 50k
* 2/15: Dam to Dam
* 3/23-24: P200

* Raft’s M
* Bulldog’s mom
* Family and friends of Jeremy Nielson; YHC’s friend who died Monday before Thanksgiving
* F3 Myrtle Beach brother, Ben Detzler, battling MS
* Marriages

Corinthians 13

“1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love I am only a resounding gong or clanging cymbal resounding in the wind. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and can understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have faith, that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I give all I possess to the poor, and surrender my body to the flames, [2] but have not love, I gain nothing.
4 Love is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love has no fear; it does not worry; love keeps no records of wrongs; never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”


When we turn to Jesus Christ, we are able to do things we never dreamed were possible. Or survive things we wish we never had to face.