• When: 2019-04-03
  • QIC: Kukoc
  • The PAX: Hoist, Iron Mary, Scooper, Hemingway, Pickle, MacGruber, Juice

Stride 800 or BRR Training

Weather: 41 degrees and perfect for running

YHC was glad to see such a strong showing as I came racing in from late night with my 2.0.  With the variety of runners I chose to give the entire breakdown of how we were to complete the run.  Lessons learned today: 1) Pickle owns the segments unofficially since he isn’t on Strava. 2) MacGruber likes hills as long as the finish line is near. and 3) Hemingway is very sneaking when modifying(great work).  As AOQ for almost a year now I’ve experienced some great runs and this morning is up there because of the men who keep me motivated.


N on Lake Dr
L on Columbia Ave
L on Meetze Ave
L on Butler St
R on Lake Dr
L on Main St
Stop at Fort St

800 Repeats
Run Clockwise around County Offices
2 minute recovery
Run Counterclockwise around County Offices
2 minute recovery
Run Clockwise around County Offices
2 minute recovery
Run Counterclockwise around County Offices
2 minute recovery
*Run Counterclockwise around County Offices – additional lap

E on Main St
L on Harmon St
L on Dreher St
L on Lake Dr
Back to the SF

Prayer Requests
MacGruber’s coworker/friend facing 4th knee surgery in 12 months
F3 Pax dealing with trials

April 8 – 19 – Gauntlet at Viper, Kamikaze, Slammer, CAT5, Smoker, Murph(Cryptonite), Grinder, Goat Hill, Flood, Sausage Factory, Cross Ruck(RBHS)