• When: 04/15/2015
  • QIC: Shades of Grey
  • The PAX: SOG, Voltron, Say What, Blue Screen, Freon, Dunphy, Swanson, House, Spakle, Turnbuckle & Mac

Shades of Grey told us to turn around where?????

We  were supposed to start at Pilgrim run down Hwy 6 to Whiteford subdivision, run through until Hwy 378. Make a left, then turn around. Some people(Spakle) lead a group and did a loop down Plantation, back to Pilgrim.

Count a ramma

Name a ramma


Prayer requests: Missions AO


Walker and family

Say What’s mother

Dunphy’s mother & mother in law



God’s Purpose For You(Billy Graham)

Everything comes from GOD alone. Everything lives by HIS power, and everything is for HIS glory. To HIM the glory evermore.-Romans 11:36

Have you ever wondered why GOD placed us on this planet? What our purpose is in being here? /it is because GOD is love. There may be life on other planets, but I believe man is unique in the sense that he was created in the image of GOD. GOD created on this planet as it were “little gods” whom HE could love and who would return love to HIM. Reverently speaking, GOD was lonely. HE wanted someone to love and who would return love to HIM. That sounds incredible, but the Bible tells us that GOD loved, and so HE created and put us on this planet.



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