• When: 05/05/15
  • QIC: Candy Stripe
  • The PAX: Peggy, Morpheus (respect), Higgins (respect), Turnbuckle, Wapner, Swanson, Treadmill, Cheech, Boo, Quisenberry, Candy Stripe

C is for Cinco

once again 11 PAX Post at TP to have a little fun getting better, with some PAX enjoying the bonus of a great view to start their Tuesday.  Wapner declares Box cutters to be concealed weapons and vows to prosecute those PAX operating theirs outside the law.

Conditions: 50 something and just right!

disclaimer and prayer

The Thang:

mosey through the mobile classrooms (AKA portables) down to the track taking 3/4 lap around mix’n in some high knees, butt kicks, karaoke and back’rds moseys.

Circle up on the lower Basketball court for COP

all exercises in cadence

SSHx15, merkinx5, WMx15, merkinx5, TTTx15, merkinx5, copperhead squatsx15, merkinx5, crucible merkinx5, merkinx5, Chinook x15


count off by 2’s and mosey to the block/brick pile.

1s grab a block, 2s grab dos bricks, circle up alternating bricks and blocks around the circle.

all exercises in cadence

Blocks and bricks= curls x20

Blocks= overhead squats while Bricks= hold to chest and squat x10

Blocks= Shoulder to shoulder while Bricks= overhead claps x15

Blocks= triceps extensions while Bricks= dirty birds x15

Blocks= Russian twists while Bricks= T-Ups x10

Its always good to share, so drop your coupons and move one spot to your left and find you new coupons which should be the opposite of what you had in your hands previously.  Or, you could wander around aimlessly and give the PAX something to chatter about.  Don’t worry that was my fault, got to get better at the direction thingy.  Now we got it! Lets rinse and repeat the sequence of exercises.  when finished with the circuit put the bricks and blocks back.

Slowsey to the soccer field while YHC explains a modified version of a game YHC used to play as a child called Drive back.  teams split up at opposite ends of the soccer field and kick a “stinky, doesn’t really glow in the gloom” playground ball back and forth trying to get it past the other team until the ball makes it past the end of the track, giving one team a score.  each PAX must kick the ball where it is fielded.  after each PAX field a ball, All PAX do one exercise from BLIMPS, in order and OYO.  it appears that no matter how much effort/velocity is put into the playground ball it always went the same distance.  very similar to when YHC used to play Golf.  The ball went the same distance no matter what club YHC used.  so very little “driving back” was done, but dos rounds of BLIMPS were performed.

Circle up for some Mary and a free peep show

all exercises in cadence

FKx50, Cumberland County Viaductx10 each side, Crunchy frogx15, Crab Cakesx15, Heal Touchesx10, Box Cuttersx10

Mosey back to the parking lot

COT: count off, Namorama


  • Greenwood launch this Saturday 5/9/15 Mayhem leading it
  • Winnsborro launch on 5/23/15  F3Lex has the Q on 6/6/15
  • Thursday 5/14/15 first day of the LHS AO
  • Thursday 5/7/15 1yr anniversary of Crypt
  • Gauntlet begins 5/18/15 all Lexington AO will run at 5am.  Working on getting the Bull start time adjusted.  Battle is at 7am on Saturday.
  • Wednesday 5/6/15  Waiting on Walker.  wear your Walker Strong tees if you have them.  take selfies with them on and tweet it out and/or post to Facebook with #waitingonwalker.

Prayer Requests:

Phillips family: at Duke for additional tests/evaluations

Devo: by Treadmill

All that time I had eaten no rich food. No meat or wine crossed my lips, and I used no fragrant lotions until those three weeks had passed. (NLT) -Daniel 10:3
As adults we gain more freedoms than we may necessarily be ready for. Our self-control may not be developed enough to handle saying no even if we have the means and ability to say yes. A lack of self-control leads us further from God. Daniel was surrounded by luxury, rich foods, and had many freedoms. Daniel fasted to seek out God and strengthen his self-discipline. Do you ever feel as if your desires get the better of you when you give in?

Mole skin: 

  • YHC had an infatuation with letter C in the F3 exercise lexicon and the PAX suffered for it.  all exercises mentioned above with witty “C” names are explained on the F3 website. too tired to scroll down any further.  maybe next time.
  • You never now what you are going to get when you open up a box of chocolates with a box cutter.  Apparently some PAX partook in a little to much and lost their appetite for the first meal of the day. glad to be of assistance in your weight lost goals #Iamthirdleg
  • Thanks for being great men.  I have never been so compliant with a fitness regimen in my life and I owe that to every F3 brother.  Get to EH’n those sad clowns, they need it, they just don’t know it.





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