• When: 2020-08-07
  • QIC: Olive Oil
  • The PAX: Pinot, Shag, Double Fault, Booster, Watergate, Steel Toe, Bonzi

It was a moist game of ultimate

Weather – mid 70’s (see more below)

It was great to get out to the gloom for some frisbee action this morning.  We did have a little bit of a weather delay as a 15 minute downpour started about 10 minutes before first throw.  I was really hoping it would cool things down a touch as the humidity was so thick it was the first thing I tasted when I left my house.  I was definitely wrong there.  After a couple of warm up tosses and counting off teams….it was on.  And in true Clash fashion, the highlights!!

  1.  With Pinot, Bonzi and Shag on YHC team, I knew there would be a number of deep throws and having to play the mismatches we could find to keep the frisbee away from the birthday boy Booster.  There were some great throws and runs…..and then some not so great throws and runs (or really lack of running)
  2.   It was great to see Watergate out there….and boy did he not disappoint.  At one point, Booster may or may not have been putting all the blame on him for some lousy playing.  What did Watergate do???  Two immediate scores with a tip drill to himself that Double Fault stated was the best he had seen all year.
  3. With Booster’s boostering, Watergate’s speed, Steel Toes’ precision passes and Double Fault’s blocking out, they one the game that really saw a lot of passes dropped or throws to no where as the rain soaked field causes havoc after every drop.  After half way through, the defense being played was minimal (if it ever was) and it was just more of a who could juke and catch the most.

Counts and Names

Prayer Request – Pinot trying to sell M’s previous home….again, Booster’s cousin with cancer and the process of the treatments.

Futbol next week gents!


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