14 PAX gathered on a balmy November morning for YHC’s 2nd Q in the last 2 weeks. The depth of YHC’s “well of ideas” was on full display via the rehashed IronPAX workout chosen for today’s beat down. Fortunately PAX were able to work through any lingering painful IronPAX memories by correcting my lax counting technique and failure to adequately plan (evidenced mostly by YHC’s not showing up at 0430 to test the moisture content of the soil, thus ensuring optimal surface conditions for a 2nd Tuesday of the month workout under a waning gibbous moon).
1 lap around paved area to start off right
Circle up:
- Through the Tunnel x10 IC
- Windmill x10 IC
- Arm Circles (front & back) x10 each IC
1 more lap
Circle up again
- ‘Merkins x10 IC
- Squats x10 OYO
Tha Thang:
Mosey to upper soccer field for a modified version of the Week 0 IronPAX “Laredo” workout
Starting on one goal line, all OYO and in any order:
- ‘Merkins x10
- Lunges (R & L leg = 1 rep) x20
- Squats x30
- Run to opposite end of field and back
- Rinse & Repeat 5x
Back to the parking lot for some serious ab pain, smartly outsourced to the group to spread the blame and deflect any and all criticism. Pain will be felt for days.
- Captain Thor x10
- Freddy Mercury
- Flutter Kicks
- Iron Cross
- Rosalitas
- Bay City Scissors
- Little Boy Crunches
- Burpees (there’s always one…)
- ’Merkins
- Camping Trip
- Convergence
- F3 Legacy Tuesday’s @ 0500. No F3 Legacy on 11/26. Will resume the following week (12/3)
- Strut Rockpile on Thursday’s not Tuesdays @ 0500