• When: 05/02/17
  • QIC: Hee-Haw
  • The PAX: Betamax, Serena, Enterprise, Huffy, Cesspool, Moana, Boris, Blue Tick, Termite, Chiquita (FNG Rob Peele), Co-Pay, Big time, Backdraft, Insanity, Silver Chair, Promo, Tommy Knocker, Cornstache

That Thunder Q Sucked

19 Pax, including one FNG, showed up for the glorious return of Hee-Haw to Thunder. YHC submits their time was not wasted. Work was done. Here’s what you missed:

Conditions: Real nice

The Thang:


Mosey out the parking lot, and left onto King. Hold High Plank at corner of King and Duncan while we wait on the 6.

High Plank
Low Plank
Thumbsucker Right
Thumbsucker Left
Thumbsucker Right
Thumbsucker Left

Explanation: The Thumbsucker is done from low plank. Keep your shoulders parallel with the ground, and lift one arm straight up. Ends up looking like you are sucking your thumb.

Continue Mosey down Duncan, and hold Air Chair at corner of Duncan and Woodrow.

1 minute Air Chair

Mosey down Woodrow to front of School, hold High Plank.

High Plank
Low Plank
Thumbsucker Right
Thumbsucker Left
Thumbsucker Right
Thumbsucker Left

Mosey down Woodrow to Wheat, and down Wheat to the Emily. Hold Air Chair at park entrance. Once all pax arrive, mosey down the path to the Sprinkler and circle up.

5 super slow count Mercans IC
10 Squat Walkers IC
20 Heel Tap Crunches

Grab the Blocks…we didn’t have enough so break up into 1s and 2s.

1s, run up the path around to the amphitheater, and down to the bottom step. 5 Incline Mercans at each step, then box jump up to next step and repeat. Then run back down the path to the start and hold Air Chair for the 6.

2s repeat the following sets with blocks: 15 Squat Thrusters, 20 Curls


Back to the Sprinkler, and circle up.

20 Heel Tap Mercans
call this circle short, because Cesspool’s 2.0 apparently had an ice-cream fight (whatever that is) with his friends at that exact spot, and the smell of sour milk was to much to bear.

Put up the blocks, and mosey back to Hand. Head over to the planters, and hold High Plank on the 6.

10 Incline Diamond Mercans
10 Squats
10 Decline Diamond Mercans
10 Heel Tap Crunches
10 Burpees
OYO. Hold High Plank on the 6.

Rinse and Repeat times 2.

Move over to the track and back into our 1s and 2s.

2s take a lap around the track and hold high plank, while 1s Burpee Broad Jump across the entire field. #CrowdPleaser.


Line up on the Field. 10 Lunge Walks, then 1 Jack Webb, 10 Lunge Walks, 2 Jack Webbs, 10 Lunge Walks, 3 Jack Webbs, etc all the way across the field, then jail break to the Flag.


BOM and Devo – Backdraft


Major T-Claps to Backdraft for an impromptu devo. You can never be comfortable on a one legged stool, but a strong, three sided base (like the 3 Fs of F3) provide stability in your life.

Also, something pretty amazing happened in the COT today. YHC will not provide all the details, but needless to say, one of our pax exhibited amazing honesty. The type of honesty you could only find in an F3 COT. Prayers were said, and will continued to be said for that man.

The honesty exhibited really struck home with YHC, because it reminded YHC that you never know what burden the man next to you is struggling with, and why he may be dragging behind, either in the gloom, at work, at home, or anywhere else in life. Encouragement and Accountability breed trust, and trust allows that man to be open and honest, and might just result in him letting you help him with that burden. So, if you see a member of the pax struggling, reach out, be supportive, fall back with them…you might just become that anchor they desperately needed.


There were some…if you had been there you would have heard them.

That’s all…for now.

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