• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Stumble Goes Jailbreak Style

AO: stumble
Q: BunkBed
PAX: Ash (COMZ), Chewy, HolyPoker, capgun, TapeWorm
FNGs: None
Gotta chase the ferret. www.strava.com/activities/11469445373
Not enough time for all PAX to do a 10k by 0615 when things needed to get wrapped up for YHC.

So instead YHC opted for a workout inspired by the Jailbreak AO of Lexington.
Slowsey to the Target discussing whatever it is that we’re doing.
– 3 exercise of your choice 10-20 reps at the Target
– Run to Party City
– 20 Merkins for merkin-challenge
– Run back to Target
– Rinse and Repeat
Some PAX brought kettlebells, some did all bodyweight exercises, all got better. Plus Chewy’s sweat ingraved the Stumble logo on the parking lot ground! Good seeing Ash (COMZ) out and moseying in the gloom!
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :
05-27-2024 the_bull Memorial Day 10 Year Convergence
Prayers for Chewy’s mom and the end of all war and conflict.

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