• When: 11/07/15
  • QIC: Promo
  • The PAX: Traitor, Flamer, Hee-Haw

I went to the woods…

To paraphrase Thoreau…..Four Pax went to the woods because they wanted to run deliberately.

Though lightly attended, the first ever trail version of The Wall was a good time. After waiting a few extra minutes for enough light to navigate by we headed to the trails. First up was the 4 mile mountain bike singletrack trail with it’s constant twists and turns and sneaky gradual climbs. This trail is always fun and seems to have survived the recent flooding in good shape….no washouts and no mud bogs. The same could not be said of the 3.5 mile sand/clay loop road that came next. Normally the easier part of the run, this section gave the pax a chance to get a little dirty. It also provided a chance to get a little creative in finding way through the 3 large washout sections. One section of about 100′ where the road was simply gone. But all pax were up for the navigational challenge and made it through unscathed. Hew-Haw was slowed by a few blisters, but soldiered on……as if he had a choice. It was nice to do a run and not constantly be checking the Garmin. In the woods, distance, pace, splits mean nothing……just enjoy the run.

YHC personally had a great time and would love the opportunity to lead more of these trail runs. Traitor too is up for more and may even do a little recon at Harbison in order to plan a future trail edition.

As Thoreau discovered, going to “the woods” was good for body, mind, and soul…..I agree.

The Thang:

7.9 mile trail run


70 and soupy

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