• When: 2018-03-17
  • QIC: Mayhem
  • The PAX: Hope Solo, Big Load, Skidder, Snookie, Neon, Tommy Boy (2.0), Jitterbug (2.0), Protégé (2.0), Federer (2.0), Flight Risk, Dufresne, Cornwallis, Mayhem, Sacajawea (half the workout).


Conditions: 43*  78% humidity

Intro: It’s 7:00 & we have a lot of work to do so let’s get started!

Disclaimer: I am not a professional. Modify as needed.

Warm up:
SSH   x   25 IC
TTT   x   25 IC
LBAC  x  25 IC  forward & reverse
Merkins  x  25 OYO

The Thang: 4 Corners

Starting at corner of Fair & Rectory Pax performs 64 LBC’s, 32 Merkins, 16 Iron Crosses, 8 Copperhead Squats, 4 American Hammers (right/left is one).

Pax moseys around park stopping at all four corners & repeating the same set of exercises at each corner.

Pax moseys to tennis courts for Black Jack (brought back from Warthog last summer).

Pax lines up on one side of tennis courts & does 20 Merkins then runs to other side of courts & does 1 Bobby Hurley.

Return to starting point & do 19 Merkins then run to other side & do 2 Bobby Hurleys.

Rinse & repeat until 1 Merkin & 19 Bobby Hurleys.

Pax moseys to retrieve blocks for top to bottom medley. Each exercise performed one after the other with no rest between.

Overhead Press    x     17(in honor of St. Patrick’s Day) IC

Curls                     x      17 IC

Chest Press          x      17 IC

Flutter Kick ( holding block overhead)    x    17 IC

BBSU ( with block)      x     17 OYO

Squats ( with block)    x      17 IC

Calf Raise (while holding block overhead)    x    17 IC


Rinse & Repeat the medley

Pax returns the blocks then finishes up with plank routine.

High plank, right arm up, high plank, left arm up, high plank, low plank.
Rinse & repeat.

COT, Count-O-Rama, BOM

Announcements: Cornwallis informed us that he alerted Triangle of our return for breakfast. They SHOULD be better prepared for our crowd.

Irish Blessing:
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
The rain fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Moleskin:  An extremely challenging workout. As always the Pax answers the call!