• When: 2017-09-05
  • QIC: Puck
  • The PAX: Puck, Ace, Aunt Bee, Honcho, Nub, Hollywood, Defect, Shank (respect), Babe, Pullout, Tongue and Groove

The Grind at Smokehouse

Conditions: 71 and humid, The grass was more or less dry

The crowd was light this morning but the workout was not.  Several BRR running Pax wisely stayed away.  A couple Pax that have been missing from our ranks were back for a no running workout. Smokehouse is trying out this core workout thing for a month just to see how many pax like it and if we want to start our own.  There was only a short mosey from the parking lot to the practice field and back.



Slowsy to the practice field.

No COP this morning. YHC likes to skip this part every now and then just to throw off the pax who are more set in their ways.

Line up on the on the goal line

Army Crawl/hip tap suicides:

Army Crawl to the 10 yard line, do 10 hip taps Army crawl back to the goal line and another 10 hip taps. Rinse and repeat to the 20 and the 30 yard line.  Just for those keeping track that is 120 yards of army crawl

Crab Walk/flutter kick suicides:

Crab walk to the 10 yard line, do 10 flutter kicks. Crab walk backward back to the goal line. Rinse and repeat to the 20 and 30 yard line. Some pax felt the need to do flutter kicks at the Goal line too so we did them.

Lunge/Squat suicides:

Lunge to the 10 yard line, do 10 squats. Reverse lunge back to the goal line and do 10 more Squats. Rinse and repeat to the 20 and 30 yard lines

Bear Crawl/Burpee suicides:

Bear crawl to the 10 yarad line, do 5 burpees, Crawl bear back to the goal line and do 5 burpees. Rinse and repeat to the 20 and 30 yard lines.

There was about 5 minutes left at this point and YHC could not let his first Q after the pull up bars were installed go by without using them.

The Pax Partner up:

Pax1 would dead hang while Pax2 did 6 inches. This would go on until one man counldn’t take it any more and cry for mercy. Then they switched.

Good work this morning pushing through the slow grinder


BRR – Leaving Thursday, Running Friday and Saturday

Bo Berry run Friday – 9/8

Never Forget 911 memorial – 9/16

Mission workout – 9/30

Prayer Request: Nub’s family, My 2.0s tooth (successfully extracted)