• When: 2019-01-10
  • QIC: Short Haul
  • The PAX: Brick, Wild Hog, Half Empty, Boucher, Grave Digger, Scotch, Kenwood, Cramps, Long Haul, Cooter, Stalker, Tribe, Chuck Wagon, All 9's, Slum Lord (R), Mercy Rule, Hoist, Meatball, Parking Lot

Sprints, and blocks, and bear hauls, oh my!

Oh The Hollow… there’s no better place to get a wonderful mix of personalities, real fellowship,  and mumble chatter that ranges from mundane (reading a newspaper before workout) to the insane (social media posts about feminine products). YHC is always glad to return to his secondary “home” AO. A couple of years ago, YHC’s work situation didn’t allow for him to post at Graveyard for several months, and so the Hollow became a home away from home.

BIG #TClaps for the dozen PAX that showed up for Stridelite
#TClaps for All 9’s who set a blistering pace for the 5k this morning, YHC needed the push
#TClaps for all who posted. Despite the mumble chatter, YHC witnessed no actual complaining about the work, and all PAX crushed it. These men know how to get to work.

Conditions: 35 degrees and clear

The Thang:


Mosey a lap around the parking lot with some high-knees and karaoke’s

YHC has been challenging himself with increasing amounts of merkins. Still working towards 50 without stopping. So after warm-up lap…

50 (GOOD FORM) merkins OYO — as many as you can without stopping, but get all 50 — YHC got 41, still more work to do

SSH  x30 IC
MTC  x20 IC
TTT  x10 IC
LBAC x10 IC forward
OHC  x10 IC
LBAC x10 IC reverse

Count off by 1’s and 2’s, partner up. All PAX grab a block from the pile and mosey to grass lot just north of block pile, drop the blocks off.

It’s getting cold again, walk a few feet to corner of building, sprint towards #1 to the end of the breeze way (roughly 100 yards according to Google maps).

From far end, sprint down and back again.

From far end, sprint back to blocks. (4 total sprints)

With partner, Bear Haul to 3rd light pole and back. Bear Hauls consist of getting into a bear crawl position with each partner having a hand on the block. As a team, move the block as you crawl forward. Turn around at the end, to even out the abuse on the arms and shoulders.

Round 1
From the sidewalk, 1’s farmer’s carry both blocks to end of the lot by the building and come back. 2’s do burpees. Flapjack and repeat until 50 burpees completed.

2 more 100 yard sprints

Round 2
From the sidewalk, 1’s place block on left shoulder, and jog to end of the lot, switch block to right shoulder, and come back. 2’s are doing curls for the girls. Flapjack and repeat until 200 curls complete

2 more 100 yard sprints

Round 3
From the sidwalk, 1’s sprint/fast mosey to end of the lot and back pedal back. 2’s are doing shoulder press. Flapjack and repeat until 100 presses are complete

2 more 100 yard sprints

Bear Hauls to 3rd light and back

Circle for Mary:
LBC  x25 IC
RC   x25 IC (heel touches)
FK   x25 IC (flutter kick)

Line up on wall, all PAX people’s chair. On one end, 2 PAX complete 10 merkins, then the next 2 PAX, and so on.

Time called, return blocks and head to the flag.

– DamToDam Relay – February 16th – as of last count, 31 teams registered. This is a race that supports a charity in our community. It starts just down the road, and you’ll be home before supper. Get a team and register! https://www.damtodamrelay.com
– P200 March 22nd-23rd – If you need a team, get with Iron Mary (@IronMaryF3)
– Father/Daughter Dance at LHS – February 9th 6:30pm-9:30pm (Link to event page here)

Prayer Requests:
– PAX who you haven’t seen in a while. EH them, hold them accountable. Pray for them.

“Dont Wait” — “Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest” — Ecclesiastes 11:4

What have you been putting off, waiting for those perfect conditions? A date with your wife? Spending time with your kids? Getting your budget under control? Finding time for prayer?

“The Christian life is one of diligence. It leaves no room for procrastination. What do you need to plant today?”