• When: 07/02/2015
  • QIC: Harp
  • The PAX: Donatello, Jason Korey FNG-TruGreen, Flea, Gitmo, Honeybun (respect), Misty, Riverdance, Tinkle, Chinstrap, Rooney, Tri Delta, Scratch, Harp.

No stair running today

13 pax including 1 FNG stepped up to the plate to get better and be better this morning.  The Pit has recently had good numbers so YHC knew something special was in order.  The night before the text was sent asking how many stairs would be run.  The answer… We will run no stairs.  Hindsight says stairs may have been easier.

Conditions: a beautiful 73 degrees, slightly overcast, but low humidity.  Perfect for hurting,

The Thang:




IW X 20

WM X20


Mosey to top of BB stairs

Bear crawl down all 84 stairs-crowd pleaser

Mosey to FB field

20 knee ups RL x20 then  LL x 20 (starting from both knees lift right leg to ground, left leg follows to standing position then reverse back to both knees on the ground) per Sway.  Thanks for the assist.

10 monkey crunches OYO

Count off 1’s and 2’s-the following exercises we wanted to focus on form, no waist bends or arm crinkles.

1’s deep squats with heel touches while 2’s sprint to opposite goal and back, share count to 200, continue until last group hits the number

10 monkey crunches OYO

move to sideline

1’s 2 count merkins while 2’s sprint to opposite sideline and back, share count to 100, continue until last group hits the number

10 monkey crunches OYO

Indian bear crawl, plank head to feet, last PAX bearcrawls to the front and each PAX does merkin when passed-from goal line to goal line-This was requested by Julep on Tuesday, Julep, how did you like it? Julep? Hello? Anyone? (note his name is absent from the PAX list)

We saw many different bears during this exercise, as 13 PAX is a long line to bear crawl past, we saw shuffle bear, lumbering bear, froggy bear, skippy bear and finally wandering bear trying to prolong the agony for the rest of the group when he found out he was the last to go.

6 MOM all in cadence

Dying cockroaches x20

LBC’s x20

Monkey crunches x10

Peter Parkers x10

Iron crosses x10

We circled up on the field around one of the PAX who was having a sinking spell and Misty led us in a closing prayer. YHC continues to be impressed with the comradery and support shown by the men of this AO. While certainly each PAX thinks his own AO is special, Snakepit’s men are made of a special sort of Iron.




Prayer requests


The Hackett family, Grandmother and Sister killed in car accident

Walker Strong T-shirts, contact Chinstrap

Convergence at Turning Point 6:30 Saturday

Fathers Day Shawshank 7:00 Friday


FNG Jason Korey sales guy for Supersod-lawn mower man, slingblade (way too cool, no way) somebody threw out TruGreen, FNG vehemently protested, Welcome TruGreen!

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