• When: 05/26/2015
  • QIC: Meatball
  • The PAX: Scooper, Dunphy, Misty, JJ, Sawdust, Implant, FNG - Lube (Eric Buchanan), Scotch, Turnbuckle, Bowflex, Pops, Gravedigger, Muggy Tape, Meatball

How Was the Workout? Fuggetaboudit.

14 pax, inluding 1 FNG (Welcome Lube) got out of the fartsack to work their bodies this morning to burn off all the extra calories from the long weekend.  YHC doesn’t usually bring gifts when Q’ing. However, the AOQ referred to YHC as the Italian Stallion the night before on Twitter, so not to disappoint, YHC wore his Guinea Tee as a gift to the pax.  This left some of the men speechless, but most had a good laugh at it.

Weather: 67 degrees with 100% humidity

Disclaimer and prayer.

The Thang:
Mosey to soccer field for COP.

SSH x 20 IC
Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
TTT x 20 IC
Hillbillies x 10 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Knerkin x 15 IC
Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

Four Corners
Start at first cone (Corner #1). Sprint to corner #2, 10 merkins. Sprint to corner #3, 10 merkins. Sprint to corner #4, 10 merkins. Sprint to Corner #1, 10 merkins. Plank when finished.

Lap #2, same as lap 1 and add 10 squats to each corner, i.e. each corner has 10 merkins and 10 squats.
Lap #3, same as lap 2 and add 10 BBSU to each corner, i.e. each corner has 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 BBSU.
Lap #4, same as lap 3 and add 10 burpees to each corner, i.e. each corner has 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 BBSU, and 10 burpees.

Mosey to parking lot. Find a curb for a Wheel of Merkins. Grab a piece of curb, and perform a 10 incline merkins. Staying in the plank position, rotate 90 degrees clockwise until your body is parallel to the curb with left hand on the curb and right hand off it. Repeat with 10 merkins. Rotate 90 degrees more and perform 10 decline merkins. Rotate 90 degrees more. Repeat with right hand on the curb and left hand off it.

Mosey over to wall on side of school.
Peoples Chair x 1 min alternating arms over head and straight out
Balls to the wall with shoulders taps x 10 each shoulder
Peoples Chair x 1 min with arms out
Balls to the wall with shoulder taps x 10 each shoulder

Flutterkicks x 20 IC
Russian Twist x 10 IC
Heel Touches x 20 IC

All out sprint back to parking lot.

One FNG – Eric Buchanan.  Named Lube.


Moleskin:  This was YHC’s first Q out at The Hollow.  This is a great AO with plenty of opportunities. YHC was incredibly sore from the double down Crusade/Murph the day before so it was questionable how intense this workout would/could be.  Hope the pax felt challenged as YHC wanted to provide a good workout. After only 2 weeks, there are already a good core group of men attending this AO.  All put in great work this morning.  Always fun to have new men join.  Keep the FNG’s coming.  They won’t regret it.


  • The Crucible, June 27th – View Preblast.
  • GRC and GRL, July 10th and 11th.
  • Stomp The Swamp 5k @ River Bluff High School on August 29th.  There will be a special “Double Down” medal to anyone completing a F3 Workout and the 5k.  A code to enter when you sign up online.  More details coming soon.
  • Lexington 5k, 10k, 1/2 marathon in November 2015.

Prayer Requests:

  • Implant’s father having surgery today.
  • Gravediggers two friends battling illnesses.
  • Walker Phillips.