• When: 04/20/15
  • QIC: Pepto
  • The PAX: Flapper, Candy Stripe, Catheter, Fracture, Yellow Cake, Blue Screen, Pew, No Help, Pepto

Futbol Anyone?

The last several Mondays have involved intervals, whether on the track or hills, but repeats none the less. Fracture led us through the physiology of slow vs fast twitch muscle fibers and helped the pax to condition them for faster running, particularly for hilly routes. BRR is coming up, and some people feel that hill conditioning with fast twitch muscle fiber training will help them to run the BRR better…..right. YHC sees it as some people are mountain goats, some are cheetahs, and some like YHC are the proverbial tortoise, slow and steady. Anyway, the fun part of F3 is the continual one upmanship. A great way of really working the slow vs fast twitch is soccer. Think about it, generally long periods of jogging back and forth intermixed with bursts of speed. Rarely, there are moments of inactivity, but with good defense comes few scores. Few scores equals little “down time.”

Conditions: 65F, a little damp, but thank God it’s not raining!

Disclosure & Opening Prayer

The Thang:
Warm up jog up and back from Cemetary hill. Head to Graveyard’s super plush field for our game. Stretch it out.

Divide into teams of those who read twitter and wore reflective gear and headlamps versus those that didn’t and wore dark clothing. Rules are explained. Since it’s dark in the gloomy the outlines will be the white lines and not the black lines. YHC couldn’t see the black lines, even with the recommended headlamp on. When a goal is made, everyone will line up on the goal line closest to the goal. Offense runs a 50 yard sprint, Defense runs a 100 yard sprint, with a 50 yard return to mid field. After the 1st goal, YHC gave up the benefit of a headlamp and reflective vest. Just before this Flapper smeared the ball at mach speed into YHC’s face. No blood, no foul. Unfortunately, as fate would have it, the light wearers scored an additional 2 goals, costing those in the dark a total of 300 yards additional running. The average distance run was 3 miles this morning.

Other records set today
1. Flapper 2 Faces 0


Ruck this weekend for March of Dimes
Relay for Life 5/3
Go Ruck Lite 5/1

Prayer Requests:
Audra Ebo
Pew and making up work for pastor on sabatical

0 thoughts on “Futbol Anyone?”

  1. This was a workout of EPIC proportions and should be repeated here in Lexington and possibly expand to other AOs, Regions, etc! Possibilities are endless!

    Great Q Pepto!

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