• When: 06/20/15
  • QIC: Lego
  • The PAX: Argyle, Kiffen, Muggy Tape, Buzz Saw, Bearded Lady, Grave Digger, Sea Bass, Bed Pan, Lego

A simple Game of Cards

Who would have thought a simple game of poker could be difficult.  But when you throw in a little bit of F3 to liven things up, the word simple takes on a whole new meaning.  YHC did this workout a few months ago, but because of several races, etc only three of the pax were there.  One of those pax was Argyle, who insisted that I bring this back when more could enjoy.  You ask and you shall receive.

Conditions: Typical South Carolina weather 90 degrees with 120% humidity at 7:00 in the morning. No big deal!!

Prayer and Disclaimer


SSH x 20

Thru the Wind Mill x 20

LBAC x 20 (10 front 10 back)

The rules of F3 Poker are simple.  The number on the card is the number of reps.  Face cards are worth 10.  The suit tells you which exercise.  Aces and Jokers are special.

HEARTS  –  Burpees


DIAMONDS – Tclaps Merkins or Merkins whichever your body will allow

SPADES – Iron Crosses

ACES – sprint the field and back

JOKERS – Bear Crawl the length of the field and prisoner lunge back.

Something about Mary…ea Pax has a turn calling out an exercise.  To be honest, I do not remember all of the exercises.  But I do remember Bearded Lady wanting to do Diamond Merkins as though we had not done enough of those already.  I also remember Buzzsaw doing flutter kicks and giving up the count somewhere north of 30 when he looked around and noticed no one was doing them.  The dude is insane.

Bear crawl over bridge to go home.  This was Buzzsaw’s idea, and please note insanity reference above.


Wednesday night at 7:00 is a prayer gathering at Lex Baptist for Walker and family

Sunday night at 7:00 prayer vigil for Charleston shootings and our state

Mayhem injured his back at work

Stomp the swamp

Sweet Baby O 5k



YHC has had the racial problems with Ferguson, Baltimore, and now Charleston on his mind lately. So he went back into history to try and learn from others.  In 1963, you had to do a lot more than just show up if you wanted to march with Dr. Martin Luther King.  Beforehand, you were given a commitment card that you had to sign, agree to follow and reflect on daily.  I found this very useful not just for racial relations, but relationships with anyone, and more importantly with God. By signing you were committed to;

1.Meditate Daily on the teachings and life of Jesus.

2.Remember always that the non-violent movement seeks justice and reconciliation not victory.

3.Walk and talk in the manner of love, for God is love.

4.Pray daily to be used by God in order that all men might be free.

5.Sacrifice personal wishes in order that all men might be free.

6.Observe with both friend and foe the ordinary rules of courtesy.

7.Seek to perform regular service for others and for the world.

8.Refrain from the violence of fist, tongue, and heart.

9.Strive to be in good spiritual and bodily heath.

10.Follow the directions of the movement and of the captain on a demonstration.



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