• When: 2020-10-08
  • QIC: Twerk and Dominion
  • The PAX: Brick, Escobar, Black Betty, Keychain, NetZero, Butt Dial (R), Lt. Dan, Rec, Pole Dance, Cramps, Twerk, Chop Shop, Tupperware, Wee Wee, Miranda, Bogey, Zaccheaus, Blue Bloods, Wanderer, FNG - Rub Down, Dominion

Perfect weather conditions and an anniversary meant big numbers for Surge today. We got like 9 stars.

Twerk and YHC met for about 90 minutes on Tuesday to set this one up (ok we had a beer or two also). Twerk had recently participated in the 9/11 challenge at Smokehouse and had an idea to do a truck pull. Here’s how it went.

Not a Pro
Welcomed the FNG

The Thang:

Dominion kicked off calling out 3 burpees in the circle. The only 3 of the day. Then turned it over to Twerk.

Mosey to three different locations, doing SSH, TTT and IW – All In cadence. Ended up on the straight away in the car pool line to do the truck pull.

Divide up into 4 teams of 5 and do a truck pull about 75 yards. Zaccheaus is still rehabbing his shoulder, so he steered the truck.

While one team was doing the pull, the rest of the pax moseyed about 50 yards, and did an exercise. All exercises were in sight of the truck pull. Needless to say, mumble chatter was high today.

After each team did a pull, we divided into two teams (of 10 each) and did it one more time.

Finally we ended playing tug of war. We used the same 4 teams from the truck pull. At the end team 1.A won the tournament.

Mosey back to the flag for some Mary Call our to finish.

Different running opportunities Friday (Indian Run or Stride), Saturday (from the dam) and Sunday (from Lowe’s with coffee after).

Shawshank Saturday for the Saturday Convergence.

Surge 2nd F October 22 at Blue Bloods House.

Prayer Requests
Our Country

Passing the Shovel Flag
YHC has had the honor of being a Co-AOQ with Twerk (and Rec before Twerk) for the last year. I’m happy to say that Keychain is the new Co-AOQ and will replace me going forward. He and Twerk will do a great job for this AO!

Thomas Ryan, 22 years old and in physical Therapy school. Blue Bloods said “Rub Down” and it was adopted quickly. Great to have you Rub Down!

We had 11 for stridelite and 21 For boot camp. It’s great to see these numbers!

3 total burpees today and everyone seemed to appreciate that.

Pulling the F150 was a much tougher task than anyone thought.

Pole Dance lead his Tug of war team. He anchored the team and kept them motivated.

It was great to have Zaccheaus out there today helping out. He’s recovering still but he was able to get in some arm waves with his good arm during Mary.

Tclaps to Wonderer and Chop Shop. I don’t think they have missed a boot camp in 4 weeks or so. It’s great to have these guys out here!

YHC really appreciates this AO and having had the opportunity to lead over the last year.

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