• When: 2019-06-14
  • QIC: Pepto
  • The PAX: Black Lung, Pinot, Penny Stock, Dance Off, Shag, Cheddar, Water Gate, Sweet Tart, Olive Oil, Steel Toe, Pepto

A little wet

11 pax joined together for the futbol adventure at the Bluff.  Most were expecting another outing on the main field, but with the soccer goals stashed away for Summer keeping, YHC had other dreams in plan.  Honestly, it was Olive Oil’s idea, but YHC put it into reality.  We headed down to the lowly practice field.  You know the one.  The one as nice as most high school’s main fields.  The goals were still on this one, slightly askew, but there none the less.  Only problem….the grass was a little wet.  Don’t tell the Lake Murray guys we fussed about a damp field.  YHC hears tales of sloppy, muddy fields out there in Lake Murray land.  Heathens.

Usuals (prayers, disclaimer, and such)

61F, clear, quite pleasant, not raining

Counted off 1-2-1-2, etc.  YHC noticed some jockeying amongst the guys to have a chance to be on YHC’s team.  It brought a glisten of a tear to the eye.  Pretty sure they were trying to get on the team and not off.  We will say on.  the game itself was quite close the entire time.  Team 1 would work the ball and take their time until scoring.  Team 2 would just score right away.  It was back and forth for the most part.  There was an occasional mis-kick.  Black Lung was guilted in coming out, and scored several goals.  Cheddar may have had an “unintentional” hand ball….or 2.  Steel Toe scored a goal from across the field, on an angle, while running.  Unfortunately, it was on the Lacrosse goal behind the soccer goal.  It was still pretty.  Watergate & Sweet Tart were having foot races against each other.  Awkwardly, they were on the same team.  Shag liked celebrating other’s goals Mia Hamm style.  Pinot was always in position.  Dance Off tried a no look, behind the back, eyes shut, attempt at goal and barely missed.  Penny Stock was a man on fire moving the ball offensively and making YHC like he had 2 left feet.  Olive Oil was sneaking around and pulled an old cartoon trick on Shag resulting in Shag running into a giant puddle.  Needless to say, it was a lot of fun.  Oh yeah, mall walkers were heckled and socks were dampened.  Meh, it was still fun.


Prayer Requests

Riverland Hills BC VBS, safe travels for Black Lung et al to a wedding in Iceland?, Olive Oil & his M’s expectant delivery, Steel Toe’s grandma’s back and healing, safe travels for ChopBlock et al home from camp


Frisbee next week at Riverland Hills