• When: 1/23/16
  • QIC: Kenny G & Pondo
  • The PAX: Minion, Love Seat, Wiki, Pondo, Kenny G

The Axe, Tabata Style

5 PAX chose to begin their weekend by getting better in the Woodshed gloom. Pondo and YHC had the Co-Q, we were greeted with cold temps and some snow flurries…but it did not feel cold for long.

YHC is last to arrive (layers take longer to put on that shorts and a shirt, can’t seem to remember that when setting alarm). Jump out of the car, get PAX moving on the hop for a warm-up jog to the front of the school…disclaimer given as we run.

Conditions: Low 30s with some snow flurries

Tha Thang:

COP: SSH X 25 IC                                                                                                                                 BLIMPS – 5 Burpees, 10 Lunges each leg, 15 Imperial Walkers IC, 20 Merkins OYO, 25 Plank Jacks OYO, 30 Squats OYO

Mosey to playground behind school for The Axe, Tabata style. The Axe is Woodshed’s physical fitness test done each month. It is also set up perfect for a Tabata workout. Station 1: Squats, 20 sec max rep, 10 sec rest for 4 minutes. Station 2: Pull-ups (pull-ups, holds above bar, and/or negatives) 20 sec exercise, 10 sec rest for 3 minutes. Station 3: Big Boy Sit-ups, 20 sec exercise, 10 sec rest for 4 minutes. Station 4: run circus loop. 20 sec run, 10 sec walk for 4 minutes (varied between 50% run and 100% sprint). Station 5: Merkins, 20 sec exercise, 10 sec rest for 2 minutes (cut it short, time running short and Pondo’s turn to Q). The Axe also includes a sledge hammering some tires, but we decided to skip that station due to time constraints.

Following the Tabata workout, we grabbed some bricks and headed to Galway for hill repeats and ladders (1:4): Squats (20, 21, 22, 23) & Calf Raises (80, 84, 88, 92)                                                     Shoulder Press (10,11,12) & Mtn. Climbers (40, 44, 48)                                                                 WME (1) & Boat/Canoe (4) with 5 second holds. Running out of time…

Boat/Canoe on Q’s call for 45 seconds.

Run to put up bricks and return to COT.

Finished up with 5 WME’s each OYO…Because there is no such thing as a Pondo Q with only 1 Worst Merkin Ever!

 COT/BOM and Devo led by Pondo

 Devo: Matt. 9:9-13  Jesus hangs with sinners because we need him like sick people need a doctor.

0 thoughts on “The Axe, Tabata Style”

  1. Do yourselves a favor and peep the Dawn Strike BB for more about Jesus hanging with the pax. It will make your evening.

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