• When: 12/17/15
  • QIC: Hee-Haw
  • The PAX: Misfire, Detour, Boo Boo, Myrtle, Duckie, Sweetness, Gaston, Turtle, Slumdog, Chop Shop, Collar, Splinter, RA

Q-101 at Hammer #IronSharpensIron

Let’s get this straight from the drop, the Hammer pax clearly buy into the Iron Sharpens Iron concept. They go hard, and they push each other physically every time they meet up, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement. Fact is we should all be improving everyday. If you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse. YHC truly believes that, so when Misfire asked for Q-101, YHC was happy to oblige.

Here’s what happened:


Conditions: 59 F, little foggy, but otherwise perfect. #IsThisReallyDecember

Introduction to Q-101

YHC decided to shake things up a bit with the Q-101 presentation this time. Truth is, from looking around at the start, YHC knew that everyone there (with the exception of Gaston) had led workouts. This was a group of experienced Q’s. So, we saved the “explaining” and the “why” for the end. This particular “introduction” to Q-101 was going to be by example.

The one-minute warning was called, followed by an ironclad Disclaimer. Then straight to the work.

The Thang:

Fast Mosey around the Field. Once the Hammer-Bricks were located (why y’all hiding them from me), each pax grabbed two and circled up in the Field.

At this point we went over “How to call an Exercise” and “How to Count.” We also covered command voice, attention to detail, and engaging the pax.


All done with Hammer-Bricks unless otherwise specified:

Side Straddle Hops (SSH) x 15, In Cadence (IC) 4 CT
Merkin Rows x 20, IC 4 CT (demonstration)
Squats x 15, IC 4 CT

[During this COP the pax were reminded on the importance of Cadence. That Cadence has to match the movement, and that each exercise has its own Cadence.]

Burpees x 10 OYO (still got them Hammer-Bricks)
Hold High Plank until all pax finish

Big Boy Sit-ups x 10 OYO (yep, with them Hammer-Bricks)
Hold 6 inches until all pax finish

then, Flutter Kicks x 25 IC

[During this section the pax were reminded that some exercises do not work well when called in cadence, so do not be afraid to call a set number of reps to be performed OYO. If you do though, you need to have communicated a plan for what the faster guys should do while waiting on the six (i.e. hold High Plank, etc.).]


Partner Up. Time for some Partner Sets:

If you’ve been reading these Q-101 back blasts, then you know that, in YHC’s humble opinion, one of the main reasons F3 works is it breeds Accountability and Encouragement, and that is exactly what these partner sets are designed to do. If you’ve been reading the Q-101 back blasts, you’ll notice YHC always includes some form of partner work in the workout, and YHC would encourage all Q’s to try and work in some partner stuff into their Q’s.

All performed with Hammer-Bricks in hand, unless otherwise specified:

50 Fist-Bump Merkins (#CrowdPleaser)
Hold High Plank until all groups finish.

100 Partner Squats (P1 does 10 Squats, while P2 holds Air Chair; flip-flop; rinse and repeat until group reaches 100)
Hold Air Chair until all groups finish

Drop the Hammer-Bricks, finally, then …

100 Partner Heel-Tap Crunches (P1 does 10 LBCs, while P2 holds 6 Inches; flip-flop; rinse and repeat until group reaches 100)
Hold 6 inches until all groups finish

[This section of Q-101 is all about the importance of clear instructions. You may have a great idea, but you have to be able to clearly communicate that to the pax if you want them to do it. Also, the pax were reminded on the importance of holding each other accountable, while also encouraging each other.]

Dealer’s Choice:

The focus of this portion of the workout is all about getting the “How to Call an Exercise” and “How to Count” right. YHC has learned that this IS the most important part of Q-101, because it’s one thing to attend bootcamps and watch people Q, it’s a totally different thing to be thrust into the middle of the circle and have to call the exercise and the count. YHC submits that experience gives a Q-to-be something to draw on and learn from when they have their VQ.

YHC submits, and believes the Hammer Pax would agree, that even as an experienced Q it is still hard to get this right every time. Maybe you’ve fallen into some bad habits (i.e. “Ready” position instead of “Starting” position, or forgetting to say “recover.”) Or maybe you do not have a natural Command Voice or Presence. Well, that’s part of what leading these workouts is all about. It gives each pax the chance to work on “attention to detail” and Command Presence.

Contrary to other Q-101’s, we went around the entire circle, and all 14 pax took a turn. Best of YHC’s recall, here’s what happened:

RA – 10 Spider-Man Merkins IC
Myrtle – 30 Flutter Kicks IC
Splinter – 20 Squat Walkers IC
Misfire – 10 LBCs IC
Turtle – 10 Slow Count Merkins IC
Gaston – 10 Raise the Roofs IC
Duckie – 15 Squats IC
Detour – 10 Mt. Climbers IC
Boo Boo – 10 “Reverse” Thrusters IC
Slum Dog – 10 Imperial Walkers IC (#StarWarsDay)
Sweetness – 10 SSH IC
Collar – 10 Slow Count Squats IC
Chop Shop – 10 Calf Raises IC
Hee-Haw – 10 Swing Lunges IC

[This is the best YHC can recall. Number of reps, and assignment of called exercise are possibly inaccurate, so feel free to “correct” them in the comments section.]

Hurry-Up and put the Hammer-Bricks away, then AYG to the flag.

Before COT, YHC spent some time talking about what Leadership is, and why attention to detail matter. More on that in the Moleskin section.


BOM – Hee-Haw


YHC will say it, the Hammer pax, from top to bottom, are as in shape or better than any AO in the F3 Columbia domain. So, it does little good to try and preach at them about fitness. They get the fitness part. So, YHC took this opportunity to talk about Consistency, Trust, Attention to Detail, and how those concepts are the building blocks for Leadership.

Consistency builds trust. If men do not trust you, they will not follow you, and if you are not consistent, then they will not trust you. If we want to be Leaders, then we must first learn to be Consistent. Furthermore, we must learn to pay attention to the details. Details matter, because showing that you pay attention to the details, and are consistent in implementing them, builds trust and is a hallmark of good Leadership.

YHC submits that as a Q you have the opportunity to sharpen not only your fitness, but also your Leadership skills, so do not squander that opportunity. Furthermore, as the pax, we have an obligation to hold our leaders to the standards we have set. If we do not hold them accountable, then we are failing them.

So, what does that mean? It means when we Q we consistently show up early, we have a well thought out plan for the work out, we pay attention to the details of “how to count” and “how to call an exercise,” and we deliver a workout that the pax deserve. But it also means we fulfill all other duties of the Q. We record the names of the men that were there, we timely write and publish the back blast, and we make sure the count gets communicated to the greater F3 Columbia domain. It also means that as members of the pax, we hold our Q’s accountable. That doesn’t mean you have to “call them out” publicly, all though if done correctly that will certainly work. It could be a one-on-one conversation, but it needs to happen.

Okay, I’ll put the soapbox away now.


-Business as usual on Christmas Eve, but NO F3 Workouts on Christmas Day

-Heard there is a Big Convergence happening on January 1, 2016 in Charlotte. Here are the details.

-Swamp Fox and Hammer are having a Home-And-Away series 12/29 and 12/31. Get with Polo or Misfire about the details.

That’s all…for now.

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