• When: 12/18/14
  • QIC: Noonan
  • The PAX: Noonan, Crab legs, Smalls, Pee-wee, Big Bertha, Daffy, Wongo cat, Pale rider, Pontiff, Nomaha, Waldo, FNG "utter" Sean Davidson


I woke up this morning to find my truck full of cinder blocks… so I decided to introduce them to our F3 workout group, down at #TheRIVER


Indian Run around the field – 800m

Circle up

Side Straddle Hop x 20

Through the middle x 15

Windmill x 15

Imperial Walkers x 20

LBC x 20

Merkins x 40


Each person grabs one Cinder Block

Thrusters x 10 with Cinder Block (hold block on chest, squat down, press block overhead while you stand back up = 1)

Lineman Drills x 10 with Cinder Block (stand up, arms straight out hold block parallel to ground for 3 seconds =1, drop block to your knees, then repeat)


Partner up, 2 Cinder Blocks per group, 1st person in group takes both Cinder Blocks and starts running/”hobbling” through the field and down the hill and back (300m to bottom of hill, 300m back), while 2nd person does 10 merkins then sprints down to catch partner #1, when they meet up, they swap position (1st person now does 10 merkins, while 2nd person carries both Cinder Blocks down)

DORA 123 “Dora the Destroya”

Partner up, 1 Cinder Block per group, the goal is 100 squats with Cinder Block, 200 presses with Cinder Block, and 300 curls with Cinder Block PER GROUP.  1st person in group runs width of field 80m touches fence and returns 80m, while 2nd person does as many squat with Cinder Block as possible, once partner #1 returns they trade positions keeping track of the total number of reps completed of the specified exercise until they reach 100 squats, 200 presses, 300 curls (all with Cinder Blocks)

Plank up when done, then wall sit for 1 min when everyone is finished.


Partner up, 2 Cinder Blocks per group, just like before but width of field 80m to fence, 80m back for 2 rounds


6″ for a count of 45

Alternating Shoulder taps (while planking) x 20

Mountain Climbers x 20

Scissors x 20

LBC x 40

Russian Twist x 40

Merkins x 40

Plank 1 minute and thirty seconds



Prayer requests for all families who are less fortunate this holiday season, TONY Hogan Family (in hospital), Dawson Family (expecting baby)


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