• When: 10/29/15
  • QIC: Pondo
  • The PAX: RedEye, Grilz, CornStache, Pondo

#Blitz with Blocks and Blazing Speed

4 brave men posted for YHC’s first foray into #Blitz.  This was a special invite because YHC had the distinct honor of naming the Blitz AOQ when he first posted at #IronYard. It was a wild nameorama and the first version of his F3 name may not be fit to print, but YHC managed to placate the pax and modify the name into the less profane version we’ve all come to know. Since then, YHC has had the privilege to be on a #MudRun team with CornStache, run the #BattleFrog race with him and compete against him at the #BRR. YHC has learned one very important thing: CornStache brings it every time.  He has continued to impress YHC with his competitive drive for fitness and leadership.  He is truly a #HIM.  F3 and Blitz are lucky to have him as the AOQ.  In the spirit of Blitz, YHC attempted to have a quick paced, non-stop beatdown in store for the pax.

Conditions: mid 60’s, really dark and foggy

The Thang: Following Disclaimer, we did a brief COP with SSH x 20 IC, IW’s x 20 IC, Mtn Climbers x 20 IC, Carolina Dry Docks x 15 IC, Merkins x 10 IC, squats x 20

Partner up: grab 1 cinder block per partner group.  Mosey to the track.  P-1 runs a lap, while P-2 does AMRAP of the following 7 Exercises: Triceps Exts, Overhead Press, Curls for the Girls, Squats, Incline Block Merkins and Calf Raises on the block.  All Single Count x 15.  Upon return of P-1, P-2 lunge walks with block across in-field, while P-1 bear crawls.  At edge of track, Partners flap jack and P-2 runs a lap while P-1 performs the block exercises.  Rinse and Repeat until timed out. Mosey back to parking lot for COT.

BOM and Devo by YHC. 2 Corinthians: 3-5.  God helps us as we help each other.

Moleskin: This is a quick and dirty workout.  It goes fast and it goes hard.  Call out all your #SadClown friends in Rosewood to post at #Blitz and see what it’s all about.  Let’s support CornStache and this new AO.  #PaintTheFence

Announcements: MudRun is over. F3 dominated and our very own Hammer Team won first place and the Busted Paw.  T-Claps to all the F3 teams who ran it and especially to Heist for organizing it.  #LeadersLead Lunch at Salsaritas on Thursdays at noon.  HDHH.  Hit up Boris for deets. CottonMouth will be in January.

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