• When: 2017-09-26
  • QIC: Krusty
  • The PAX: Lap Dog, Kilt, Krusty, Polo, Prom, Levar, Sheets, Stent, Kitty, Fountainhead, Spread

11 for Tree of Circuits

Weather – Upper 60s with a nice breeze



Lap around lot

Circle Up: SSH x 25 IC, RT x 25 IC, Squat x 25 IC, 5 Burpees OYO


The Thang

Gather blocks and head to Tree of Life

Circuits: 20 then 15 then 10 reps + full lap around lot + wall sits/planks

  1. Curl Press + In/Outs + Step Ups
  2. Incline Merkins + BBSU + Squat Press
  3. Dips + RT + Kettle Bell Swings
  4. Decline Merkins + LBC (w/block) + Lunges (w/block)

Blocks Up

Few Suicides in Parking Lot