• When: 6-21-18
  • QIC: MuggyTape
  • The PAX: BeastBoy, Cowbell, Bridesmaid, BigBox, Dunphy, MuggyTape

Muggy’s 4 Yr Anniversary Q

5 Pax showed up to take on the humidity and YHC’s 4yr anniversary Q.  I hoped to provide a sufficient challenge for these fine men.  Here is what went down

Weather:  78  with 40000000% humidity



Mosey to top field in back hoping to find a breeze paying homage to slammer where appropriate 20 calf raises, 20 squats and 20 merkins.

Circle up on field


SSH x 10

TTT x10s

LBAC X 10 Forward/Backards

The Thang:

Line up on one end of the field for The Beast

The Beast: 6 excercises, 6 reps ea and 6 sets of each – Derkins, Merkins, Crucible Merkins, Potty squats (feet 6” apart), squats, sumosquats (feet wide toes pointed outward) while running from one end to the middle then to the other end completing a set at each stop.

**Bonus round with Burpees**

Line back up at one end of the field bear crawl to other end, crab walk half way back then rev crab walk to the end.

Mosey to hill at the back fields and partner up

Partner 1 wheel barrow up the hill and do 10 merkins at the top, Partner 2 10 squats run down the hill and flap jack, complete 2 rounds each

Mosey back to shelter completing slammer lap by doing 20 BBSU

Mosey to shelter for Peoples Chair 2x  1 minute each with arms up and arms out

Mary: 20 iron cross oyo, 30 LBC oyo, 20 ea leg heel touches, 40 flutter kicks

COT, Namearama


June 23 Pool part in ventner woods Hc to lego

June 30 after Shank bootcamp workout with Vets next door

July 14 Carolina Reaper

August 5 Sweet Baby O

August 25 Stomp the Swamp

Prayer requests:

Flanagan family, Rebecca Beard, all those that were close to the accident a year ago.

JJ’s back


The pax allowed YHC the opportunity to thank all the men of F3 for the impact you have had on me over the last 4yrs.  I would also like to apologize to the men of F3 Lexington for not posting consistently over the last 6 months.  I have allowed nagging little injuries and my inner selfish demons to keep me in the fartsack.  I lost sight of the fact that it is not about me and I wasn’t there for you.  For that I am sorry.  After a little self reflection I reminded myself that I will only get out of F3 what I put in.  In typical F3 fashion when I voiced my struggles support and encouragement came pouring in.  This week a couple of devos really hit me right between the eyes.  “Attitude” and “What will my legacy be”.  All attitudes are infectious good and bad.  My challenge for myself and whoever else may need is to start everyday with a good positive god loving attitude and carry that throughout your day no matter what you encounter.  See how that affects those around you,  Do that daily and you will begin to write or rewrite the start of your legacy.  Thank you again for the support and constant encouragement over the last 4 years.  I hope that I can some way I can have a positive impact on you all as you have had on me.