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Pipeline sees his shadow, three more rounds of burpees

AO: Woodshed
Q: Pipeline
PAX: Side Salad, Pipeline, Teddy, Silent Bob
FNGs: None
Rise and Shine, Wood-Wood-Woodshedders, it’s Groundhog Day! Pipeline led four pax on a rinse-and-repeat homage to Punxsutawney Phil and Friends at the ‘Shed.

20 sidestraddle hops in cadence, followed by 20 flutter kicks in cadence. Repeat.
Moved out to the road and knocked out 5 Bill Murpees (burpees) followed by 5 Andie McDowells (Bonnie Blairs / split squats). Moseyed down the road, paused for 9 x Groundhog Humpers and 9 x Big Boys. Continued down the road and paused for 6 x worst ‘mericans ever and 6 Punxsutawney Dry Docks. Moseyed back to the start, Rinsed and Repeated twice more.
After the third round, paused at the top for
dealers’ choice: Teddy called reverse planks with knee raises x 5; Pipeline calls the Teddy Roll x 10; Silent Bob calls 20 x Ukrainian Hammer Twists of Freedom in cadence; Side Salad calls a jailbreak to the stop sign. Slow Mosey back to the COT.
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