• When: 01/11/16
  • QIC: Garnish
  • The PAX: Mclovin, RA, Beaker, Chop Shop, Collar

Scramble to Belmont Hill

6 PAX fought the cold for 4.5 miles, including fan favorite Belmont Hill.

Condtions: 30 degrees and clear

The route: Turn left out of Trenholm Plaza and take a right on Converse. Take Converse to E. Buchanen and take a right. Cross Beltline and take a left up Belmont. Take a left at Kilbourne and run down to Sanford and take a left. Then a quick right onto Kathwood eventually taking a left on Woodlake. Go back to Trenholm, take a right back to Trenholm plaza and circle the parking lot to complete the 4.5 miles.

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