6 pax came together in the cool, windy gloom to run 6.2 miles. Hemingway went XL. T-Claps to #HIM.
The route kept coming near to Stride only to turn back around and head out for more miles. It could be somewhat disheartening each pass.
Route looked like this…
R on South Lake Drive
R on Gibson Road
stay R on South Church Street
L on Elm Street
turns into Roberts Street then Gibson
R on Hendrix Street
L on South Church Street
L on West Main Street
R on 378
R on West Butler Street
L on Meetze Ave
R on 378
R on North Lake Drive
turns into North Church Street
L on West Butler Street
R on North Lake Drive
R on Main
Use crosswalk in center of town
L on Main and back to SF
Prayer Requests:
-Juice’s FIL is at the end of his cancer battle
– Kukoc, the M and the baby
-2/16: Dam to Dam Relay: www.damtodamrelay.com
-3/2: 5-Year Anniv Convergence. Preblast: https://www.f3midlands.com/lexington-sc/f3-lexington-5-year-anniversary
-3/16: Lexington Race Against Hunger
-3/22-23: P200
-4/8-4/19: The Gauntlet. Preblast: https://www.f3midlands.com/columbia-sc/gauntlet-2019