• When: 2020-06-09
  • QIC: Arrears
  • The PAX: Pothole, Blart, Soft Toss (#Respect), Darla, Moose, Bellhop, Kitty Litter, Coppertone, Phonebooth (Runner), Hostel, Neckbrace, ELAINE, Stagecoach, Soccer Mom, Joanna (AV tech), Whitney,


15 PAX assembled for Selection Tuesday. Selection + (any day of the week) = A workout that is meant to be more challenging than usual. Something that reminds us all of what we were each told when we first started – “it doesn’t get easier, you get better.”

Disclaimer: Quick, there is much to do.

Conditions: 76, warm and humid. Some of us expected rain, no matter we were about to get wet anyways

Warm up:

But, first a short word from our sponsor:



When you need help assembling something. . . . . . . Consider hiring someone

Now back to our regularly scheduled backba

Indian Run the long way to some cones. At the cones, burpees. Mosey to the wall, Donkey Kicks. 11’s – 1 Burpee, 10 Donkey Kicks, 2 Burpees, 9, Donkey Kicks so on so forth until you reach 10 Burpees and 1 Donkey Kick

#Crowdpleaser. One positive of moving to Lexington is learning new exercises. The Donkey Kick was introduced to me by Ken Doll on one faithful Friday, I’ve been sharing that gem everywhere since then.

Mosey around to a nice incline part of the school. Partner up for some OMBSB

In case you forget your Orphan Annie Ring, that would be BOMBS but YHC was showing a little grace by not starting with Burpees after finishing the warm up with Burpees.

Partner 1 runs the incline to the speed sign, partner 2 does an exercise. Flip Flop

  • Overhead arm claps x 50 as a group
  • Merkins x 75 as a group
  • BBSU x 100 as a group
  • Squats x 125 as a group
  • Burpees x 25 as a group

Mosey back to the shovel flag


Flutters x 10 IC, Rosalita x 10 IC BBSU x 10 OYO, LBC x 10 IC, Iron Crosses x 10 OYO.  1 Minute High Plank

Cool Down

Which seemed a lot like our usual “warm up.”

  • TTT x 10 IC
  • IW x 10 IC
  • Hillbillies x 10 IC

Count Off, Prayer.

Good effort by everyone. YHC hopes he brought a “selection” experience today.

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