• When: 2017-08-04
  • QIC: Stay Puff
  • The PAX: Puck, Shankapotomus (Respect), Wilson, Urkel, Stay Puff

The Hills are Alive with Skunk

With the option of a run with flat terrain or the daunting Bernard Mt and Long Terrace route YHC chose to run to the hills. With the smell of skunk in the air we breezed our way mostly downhill for the first mile before charging Benard Mt with vigor while grabbing some trophies along the way. After making way up and down Bernard (thanks to Urkel for checking on YHC) we trekked down 23, turned right on Crosson and followed this to the formidable   .3 mile Long Terrace climb, passing the lone Rucker along the way. After finishing with a lap around the park we gathered back at the start.