• When: 2017-07-20
  • QIC: Serena
  • The PAX: Copay, Moana, Wingback, Rosinbagger, Furby, Maytag, Ringo, Enterprise, Big Worm, Twinkle Toes, Minion, Hee Haw, Heist, Serena


Conditions: Sultry with Thick Grumblechatter

The Thang

Mosey to corner for 25 4ct IC (unless otherwise noted)

SSH (x50)
Imperial Walkers
Mountain Climbers
American Hammers
Flutter Kicks
Ray Charles

Mosey to Basketball Court and Partner-Up

Lazy Dora (combined the pair completes):
100 Merkins, Partner Rests in Plank
200 LBCs, Partner Rests in 6”
300 Squats, Partner Rests in Air Chair

Count off by 1s and 2s and mosey to Playground

1s Hold Pull-Up Position (Raise Chin Above Bar) and Count to 30. On your count, each PAX raises knees to chest.
2s Hold Plank.
Rinse and Repeat. Count to 45.
Rinse and Repeat. Count to 30.

Mosey to Tennis Court for Tabatta App Exercises (Exercise 1 for 20 Seconds, “Rest” Exercise 2 for 10 Seconds. Continue for 4 minutes).

Exercise 1: Squats. “Rest” Exercise 2: Air Chair.
Exercise 1: LBCs. “Rest” Exercise 2: Flutters.
Exercise 1: Burpees. “Rest” Exercise: SSHs. (#CrowdPleaser)

Mosey to street outside Legion Entrance. Circle-up.

Each PAX in circle completes 5 Burpees, 5 LBCs, & 5 Merkins while others hold Plank or Air Chair.

3 Minutes of Mary.

Enterprise: Reverse Crunches (love the cadence voice).
Furby (kid’s a beast!): Freddie Mercuries.
Moana: Side Crunches.

7/21 The Mission Cookout at Pine Island (5PM)
The Armory 3rd F Study (5AM Wednesdays); F3 Dads (7AM Fridays).

Devo: Max Lucado “How to Face Your Giants”. Giants. We must face them. Yet we need not face them alone. Focus first, and most, on God. Read 1 Samuel 17 and list the observations David made about Goliath. I find only two. One to Saul and one to Goliath’s face, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God” (1 Samuel 17:26). David asks nothing about Goliath’s skill, age, the weight of the spear, or the size of the shield. But he gives much thought to God. The armies of the living God; The Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel. In all, the God-thoughts outnumber Goliath-thoughts nine to two.

How does this ratio compare with yours? Is your list of blessings four times as long as your list of complaints? Are you four times as likely to describe the strength of God as you are the demands of your day? That’s how you face a giant.