50 States
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Blind Date, Columbo, Dropped Call, Handlebar, JunkMail, Innuit, Tough Guy, Hyzer (visiting from GA) FNGs: None COUNT: 8 CONDITIONS: 40’s STRIDELITE: Hyzer stridelited from his hotel DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: we warmed up THE THANG: exercises corresponding to each state; NM gas pumpers; SD murder bunnies; SC dry docks; …
50 States
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Blind Date, Columbo, Dropped Call, Handlebar, JunkMail, Innuit, Tough Guy, Hyzer (visiting from GA) FNGs: None COUNT: 8 CONDITIONS: 40’s STRIDELITE: Hyzer stridelited from his hotel DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: we warmed up THE THANG: exercises corresponding to each state; NM gas pumpers; SD murder bunnies; SC dry docks; …
50 States
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Blind Date, Columbo, Dropped Call, Handlebar, JunkMail, Innuit, Tough Guy, Hyzer (visiting from GA) FNGs: None COUNT: 8 CONDITIONS: 40’s STRIDELITE: Hyzer stridelited from his hotel DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: we warmed up THE THANG: exercises corresponding to each state; NM gas pumpers; SD murder bunnies; SC dry docks; …
50 States
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Blind Date, Columbo, Dropped Call, Handlebar, JunkMail, Innuit, Tough Guy, Hyzer (visiting from GA) FNGs: None COUNT: 8 CONDITIONS: 40’s STRIDELITE: Hyzer stridelited from his hotel DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: we warmed up THE THANG: exercises corresponding to each state; NM gas pumpers; SD murder bunnies; SC dry docks; …
50 States
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Blind Date, Columbo, Dropped Call, Handlebar, JunkMail, Innuit, Tough Guy, Hyzer (visiting from GA) FNGs: None COUNT: 8 CONDITIONS: 40’s STRIDELITE: Hyzer stridelited from his hotel DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: we warmed up THE THANG: exercises corresponding to each state; NM gas pumpers; SD murder bunnies; SC dry docks; …
50 States
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Blind Date, Columbo, Dropped Call, Handlebar, JunkMail, Innuit, Tough Guy, Hyzer (visiting from GA) FNGs: None COUNT: 8 CONDITIONS: 40’s STRIDELITE: Hyzer stridelited from his hotel DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: we warmed up THE THANG: exercises corresponding to each state; NM gas pumpers; SD murder bunnies; SC dry docks; …
50 States
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Blind Date, Columbo, Dropped Call, Handlebar, JunkMail, Innuit, Tough Guy, Hyzer (visiting from GA) FNGs: None COUNT: 8 CONDITIONS: 40’s STRIDELITE: Hyzer stridelited from his hotel DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: we warmed up THE THANG: exercises corresponding to each state; NM gas pumpers; SD murder bunnies; SC dry docks; …
Campus Tour
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Columbo, Handlebar, JunkMail, Yellow Cake, Altar Boy, Loose Screw, Extra Mile FNGs: 1 Extra Mile COUNT: 7 CONDITIONS: 60 degrees STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: Overhead Claps, Hillbillies, Big Arm Circles, TTT’s, Imperial Squats, Hairy Rockettes, Broken Wind Mills THE THANG: Burpee/Merkins; Squat/LBC’s; Hill of Inefficiency; Pick a Card …
Campus Tour
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Columbo, Handlebar, JunkMail, Yellow Cake, Altar Boy, Loose Screw, Extra Mile FNGs: 1 Extra Mile COUNT: 7 CONDITIONS: 60 degrees STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: Overhead Claps, Hillbillies, Big Arm Circles, TTT’s, Imperial Squats, Hairy Rockettes, Broken Wind Mills THE THANG: Burpee/Merkins; Squat/LBC’s; Hill of Inefficiency; Pick a Card …
Campus Tour
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Columbo, Handlebar, JunkMail, Yellow Cake, Altar Boy, Loose Screw, Extra Mile FNGs: 1 Extra Mile COUNT: 7 CONDITIONS: 60 degrees STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: Overhead Claps, Hillbillies, Big Arm Circles, TTT’s, Imperial Squats, Hairy Rockettes, Broken Wind Mills THE THANG: Burpee/Merkins; Squat/LBC’s; Hill of Inefficiency; Pick a Card …
Campus Tour
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Columbo, Handlebar, JunkMail, Yellow Cake, Altar Boy, Loose Screw, Extra Mile FNGs: 1 Extra Mile COUNT: 7 CONDITIONS: 60 degrees STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: Overhead Claps, Hillbillies, Big Arm Circles, TTT’s, Imperial Squats, Hairy Rockettes, Broken Wind Mills THE THANG: Burpee/Merkins; Squat/LBC’s; Hill of Inefficiency; Pick a Card …
Campus Tour
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Columbo, Handlebar, JunkMail, Yellow Cake, Altar Boy, Loose Screw, Extra Mile FNGs: 1 Extra Mile COUNT: 7 CONDITIONS: 60 degrees STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: Overhead Claps, Hillbillies, Big Arm Circles, TTT’s, Imperial Squats, Hairy Rockettes, Broken Wind Mills THE THANG: Burpee/Merkins; Squat/LBC’s; Hill of Inefficiency; Pick a Card …
Campus Tour
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Columbo, Handlebar, JunkMail, Yellow Cake, Altar Boy, Loose Screw, Extra Mile FNGs: 1 Extra Mile COUNT: 7 CONDITIONS: 60 degrees STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: Overhead Claps, Hillbillies, Big Arm Circles, TTT’s, Imperial Squats, Hairy Rockettes, Broken Wind Mills THE THANG: Burpee/Merkins; Squat/LBC’s; Hill of Inefficiency; Pick a Card …
My Burden is Light
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Blind Date, Columbo, Dropped Call, Handlebar, JunkMail, Innuit, King James FNGs: None COUNT: 7 CONDITIONS: High 50’s, Ideal STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: SSHs, TTT, Monkey Humpers, T-Spine stretches, Hillbillies THE THANG: Walked the Dark Mile carrying heavy objects: sandbag, hex bar w/ weights, blocks and PVC loaded with …
My Burden is Light
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Blind Date, Columbo, Dropped Call, Handlebar, JunkMail, Innuit, King James FNGs: None COUNT: 7 CONDITIONS: High 50’s, Ideal STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: SSHs, TTT, Monkey Humpers, T-Spine stretches, Hillbillies THE THANG: Walked the Dark Mile carrying heavy objects: sandbag, hex bar w/ weights, blocks and PVC loaded with …
My Burden is Light
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Blind Date, Columbo, Dropped Call, Handlebar, JunkMail, Innuit, King James FNGs: None COUNT: 7 CONDITIONS: High 50’s, Ideal STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: SSHs, TTT, Monkey Humpers, T-Spine stretches, Hillbillies THE THANG: Walked the Dark Mile carrying heavy objects: sandbag, hex bar w/ weights, blocks and PVC loaded with …
My Burden is Light
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Blind Date, Columbo, Dropped Call, Handlebar, JunkMail, Innuit, King James FNGs: None COUNT: 7 CONDITIONS: High 50’s, Ideal STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER JunkMail WARMUP: SSHs, TTT, Monkey Humpers, T-Spine stretches, Hillbillies THE THANG: Walked the Dark Mile carrying heavy objects: sandbag, hex bar w/ weights, blocks and PVC loaded with …
Gold Silver Bronze
AO: jumanji Q: JunkMail PAX: Columbo, Dropped Call, Innuit FNGs: None COUNT: 4 CONDITIONS: cool STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: THE THANG: choose gold, silver or bronze level, 6 exercises per level, 4 rounds total; followed by incline merkins, Bulgarian split squats, dips, step-ups and elevated heel glute bridges on the benches MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: …
Around the Bases
AO: jumanji Q: F3-Magic Dust PAX: Columbo, JunkMail, One Armed Man, Dangle- Dropped Call- Inuit FNGs: None COUNT: 7 CONDITIONS: Not to hot STRIDELITE: 4 Pax rolled through some hills DISCLAIMER: our Indian run needs some work OPENING PRAYER no injuries WARMUP: SSH, WGS, LBC THE THANG: Merkins around the ball fields MARY: many variations …
AO: jumanji Q: Columbo PAX: Columbo, JunkMail, BlueRhino, Handlebar, Conplay, Dropped Call, Ocho-Cinco FNGs: None COUNT: 7 CONDITIONS: warm and sticky STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: SSH, Through the tunnel, imp walkers, little baby arm circles THE THANG: mosey to elm school 5 reps of exercise at each of the brick columns with a light …
Four corners run
The Herd Completes the Madoff
Conditions: 47 degrees; 95% humidity, calm winds, 44 degree dew point, 29.71” barometric pressure, low UV index Under the waning gibbous moon, 8 PAX gather this morning in the Jumanji Jungle looking to get better. It has been way too long since YHC posted here, and the excitement was high for the return Q (at …
Return to Jumanji
It was a return to the ‘ol Stomping Grounds today to deliver a beatdown & enjoy some brotherhood with The Herd. Work was done and we all got a little better today. It was an honor to lead. Conditions: Clear Sky – 73*F (86% humidity) OMW, Time, Disclaimer, Prayer The Thang Mosey around parking lot …
The Basics – Pushups, Situps, Squats, Burpees, Running
Thursday 7-15-2021 05:30 Start – 06:15 Finish Weather Report J – July workouts suckU – Unending sweatM – Men getting betterA – Always a good timeN – Never closedJ – July workouts suck I – Ice cream Warmup: 15x (I/C) Side straddle hop 15x (I/C) Windmill 10x (I/C) LBAC Forward 10x (I/C) Chinook 10x (I/C) LBAC …
The Basics – Pushups, Situps, Squats, Burpees, RunningRead More »
The Herd takes a trip down Memory Lane
15 hearty pax gathered ‘round the #ShovelFlag at Howard Park this AM to take the #DRP with their Brothers. A good time was had by all as we welcomed a pax that moved away 4 years ago, an FNG, 2.0s, and everyone pulling together to get better today. YHC appreciated the pax indulging him to …
The Tax Man Cometh
Thursday 4-15-2021 – TAX DAY Today’s weather report Today was supposed to be tax day, but the IRS has delayed the filing date. No worries – we’ll still get our work done on time.
Supersets Get you Swole’d Up
Tuesday 3-9-2021 Weather Report After this workout on the DM thread, Alter Boy said the only thing that got him up was his ‘HC’ the night before. This has certainly got me to many workouts in the past that I would have otherwise slept through. Make up your mind that you’re going to do something, …
Running is Recovery at Jumanji
6 pax post at Jumanji for a running is recovery style workout. Here is what went down: Conditions: Cloudy – 50°, Winds NE 7.3 mph, 46% Humidity, felt like 47° Disclaimer / Prayer Mozey down to the drop off loop for the new school and circle up SSH Burpees x 25 IC (10 burpees total) …
Carman R.I.O.T.
Thursday 2-18-2021 0530 start 0615 finish Weather report Let’s be honest – it’s hard to get up early…in the dark…in the cold…in the rain. But 5 pax made a decision to do just that, and I hope they were made better by it – I know I was. Christendom lost a legend this week – …
Block Circuit Work at Jumanji
8 pax posted at Jumanji for some Block Circuit Work with some tunes (at least most of the time) to make the work more entertaining. Here is what went down: Conditions: Cloudy – 48°, Winds E 0.5 mph, 83% Humidity, felt like 48° Disclaimer / Prayer Mozey around the top side of the parking lot …
Conditions: *brisk* 26* Disclaimer/Prayer- The Thang:YHC traveled to the dudes of Jumanji-lots of great guys over there and plenty of HIM’s to put work in on a Saturday at 6:30. I do design work all day long, so I pull up google maps to Jumanji and all I saw were baseball diamonds-imagining a great season, …
Handlebar’s Night Before Christmas
Thursday 12-24-2020 0630 Start 0715 Finish Weather Christmas Eve and the pax were not snuggled in their beds – they were ready for a themed workout beatdown. Let the fun begin! Warmup:Warmup lap including:High kneesButt kickersRight & left basketball shuffle12x TTT (I/C)12x SSH (I/C)12x Squat (I/C)12x LBAC Forward (I/C)12x OH Clap (I/C)12x LBAC Reverse (I/C)12x …
PREBLAST: 2021 New Years Day Convergence
(Please check back regularly for updates this week) Who: To all Lexington Pax, Past – Doesn’t matter how long it has been since your last post. The next one is the most important. We miss you and look forward to seeing you return to the gloom Present – We need to you to engage that …
The one where Columbo serenaded Tuff Guy the whole time
Campaign Qs didn’t make their way out of Lex1 so YHC made the trip Lex 3 on Tuesday and Lex 2 today. Always good to spend some time with The Herd. It’s a truly special group. Truly. Music was 90s themed with some Beastie Boys, The Who, and Johnny Cash thrown in. Columbo managed to …
The one where Columbo serenaded Tuff Guy the whole timeRead More »
Bet you won’t go to 50
Saturday 11-7-2020 06:30 start 07:30 finish Weather Another beautiful day at Jumanji – what else can be said? The last time Tardy Q’d at Jumanji, it turned into a dealer’s choice fun-fest. In honor of that, YHC asked Tardy to call the first warmup exercise – he called side straddle hop. Two or three into …
Jumanji Rising
Thursday 10-22-2020 0530 Start – 0615 Finish Workout’s Weather It’s the time of year when you’re unsure of what the temperature will do from day to day. Will it be in the mid-60’s and nice, or low-40’s and frigid. Today was beautiful. We had a few join Jumanji this morning that haven’t been regulars or …
The Beast Returns to Jumanji
Conditions: Dark, 68 degrees and 97% humidity, low UV rating It has been too long since YHC has posted to Jumanji but always enjoy the HERD, there was an opening on the Q schedule so the opportunity was seized. With that comes the responsibility to help the HERD get better, so I have spent some …
Balmy Bombs Fall on Jumanji
Saw a few weeks ago that a Jumanjian had signed up to Q at Detention so I figured I’d return the favor and head their way on the same day. After a solo Stridelite to my favorite local burger establishment, I was pleased to see a nice crowd of Jumanjians roll in to do some …
IPC2020 Semana Tres
Thursday 9-17-2020 Weather for the workout – let’s just say it was wet. Biggie and YHC arrived at 0510 and did some light warmup and stretching. We started at approximately 0515 with this: IronPax Week 3 – Keep it Simple Stupid There was lots or running – 4,800meters or 3miles to be exact. Those first …
Four-no-Three Corners, a Run, and some Hills
Tuesday 9-15-2020 https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/sc/west-columbia/KCAE/date/2020-9-15 0530 Start 0615 Finish The temps are starting to get a little lower, the humidity is not 99%, it’s dark for the whole workout again, a slight breeze was noticed – you can almost smell the pumpkin spice. YHC needs the time change to get here soon for that extra hour of …
IPC2020 Part Deux
Thursday 9-10-2020 Location: 34°00’16.9″N 81°05’59.2″W https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/sc/west-columbia/KCAE/date/2020-9-10 Start 0530 – End 0615 Several PAX arrived early for a sorry excuse for a warm-up. YHC was setting up cones and stations at 0515 and the warmup didn’t start until ~0525ish: 10x TTT (I/C) 10x SSH (I/C) 10x Seal Claps (I/C) 10x Michael Phelps OYO Leg stretching – …
Block & Brick Beatdown
Tuesday 8-25-2020 Location: 34°00’18.2″N 81°05’58.8″W Start: 05:30 Finish: 06:15 https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/sc/west-columbia/KCAE/date/2020-8-25 YHC forgot his watch so Papa-G was kind enough to be the official time keeper. Before the start we heard some commotion on the far side of the parking lot – a screech…a squeal…silence. When we looked over we saw an owl flying away – …
Fun with Blocks Pt 2 w/ wall of fire
The Thang: Opening prayer and Disclaimer Mosey to the Cantina COP: SSH x15 IC TTT x15 IC Windmill x15 IC Mercans x15 OYO LBC x15 IC Mosey to Legoland: Each pax selected a block and carried around the dark mile. At each corner of the mile (5 stops), the routine consisted of: Goblin squats OYO …
Handlebar’s 1 Year Anniversary
Start: 05:30 Finish: 06:15 Weather: 75 degrees, 90% humidity, winds out of the South at 5mph, cloudy. Location: 34°00’18.2″N 81°05’58.8″W 1 Year anniversary Q: Half-lap mosey around the parking lot Warmup: 10x Through the tunnel (I/C) 10x Side straddle hop (I/C) 10X Little baby arm circles forward (I/C) 10x Little baby arm circles backward (I/C) …
A Blockin’ Good Time
Pax: Handlebar, Papa Giorgio, Columbo (RESPECT), Hugo, Contra (QIC) Conditions: 71 deg and clear Disclaimer/Opening Prayer Mosey around the parking lot to Legoland COP: 15 each, IC -SSH, TTT, windmill, shoulder burner (LBAC fwd, LBAC bkwd, OHC, OHP, muscadine pickers), Michael Phelps, squats Each pax collected a duplo and carried it to Northside Middle School …
Deconstructed Burpees and a Block Circuit
Convergence with Strut at Jumanji. Weather: A humid 77 degrees with a 5mph wind from SSW and partly cloudy. Disclaimer given, and 13 PAX started with a mosey to the park entrance – 1 more PAX joined mid-warmup. Warmup included: 10x Through the tunnel (I/C) 10x SSH (I/C) 10x Little baby arm circles forward (I/C) …
1 Minute Warning Prayer At 5:00am 11 pax joined together electronically using the advantage of modern technology to keep a “safe” physical distance, but maintain some social interaction in the gloom that we all love. This virus has changed a lot of things, including the daily routine for YHC, so it was nice to restore …
Jumanji Enjoys some Block and Brick Relays
8 pax welcomed YHC as a visiting Q and YHC posted with Workout with a Variety of exercises while staying on the move. The Pax showed up ready to work and Accelerated through it and hopefully left COT better than they arrived at BOM. Here is what went down: Conditions: Upper 50s and nice The …
#theherd migrating to an AOQ near you
A new year has come to us and with it comes a new outlook, a new attitude and promises to do new things. #theherd will be doing something new this year. In a natural/wildlife point of view it is unhealthy and unnatural for a herd or flock to remain in one place for an extended …
The Jumanji Herd Celebrates Boxing Day
Environmental readings: 42 degrees, 72% humidity, low UV index, moon is in the Waning Gibbous phase, and an unhealthy air quality (per the Weather Channel). Executive summary: overall a pleasant morning to post (but isn’t everyday?!). 8 members of the Jumanji Herd gather on this morning, looking to get better and shake off the cheer from yesterday. …